Supporting document of the Community goods statute by electronic means. T2L/T2LF (existing situation until 1-03-2024)
Means by which the Community status of the goods is justified
Special case of the Canary Islands (T2LF)
Article 134 of the CDRAU establishes that the formalities relating to the export declaration established in Chapters 2 and 3 of Title VIII of the Code must be complied with when Community goods are to be circulated to or from territories located within the customs territory of the Union to which neither Directive 2006/112/EC nor Directive 2008/118/EC apply.
Article 326 of the RECAU establishes that, for the processing and exchange of information relating to the exit of goods from the customs territory of the Union, an electronic system created for this purpose in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 1, of the Code shall be used.
Copy 4 or copy 4/5 of these export declarations constitutes the T2LF document, which is therefore submitted electronically.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, and in order to facilitate the justification by the operator of the Community character of the goods at the customs of destination, copy number 4 of the declaration may be obtained from the computer system independently of the SAD of dispatch, this copy constituting the proof of the Community character of the goods.
In the case of shipments from the Canary Islands to the Peninsula, the system would continue to function as it does currently, that is, the expedition SAD would be presented with the mention in box 1.3 T2LF, which based on the provisions of chapter 4.3.1 of the SAD resolution (Resolution of September 12, 2019, of the Customs and Excise Department of the State Tax Administration Agency, which contains the instructions for formalizing the Single Administrative Document) will in turn act as a T2LF document. Once the merchandise from the Canary Islands has been received on the peninsula, the item of the corresponding summary declaration of temporary storage (DSDT) will be settled with the corresponding SAD of introduction, in box 44 of which the MRN of the SAD of dispatch from the Canary Islands will be recorded. As a document proving the customs status of the goods declared in the DSDT consignment, the MRN corresponding to the Canary Islands shipping document will be recorded.
In the case of shipments from the Canary Islands to another Member State of the European Union that have been presented via EDI and obtained automatic release, the T2LF can be printed, which will show a CSV. At the customs office of arrival, the operator shall present the printout of the electronic T2L document with the CSV. The customs office of arrival may verify the authenticity of the document through the Tax Agency website by entering the CSV in the section corresponding to “Comparison of documents using a secure verification code (CSV).
In the case of shipments from peninsula to the Canary Islands , the system would continue to function as it currently does, that is, the expedition SAD would be presented with the mention in box 1.3 T2LF, which will in turn act as a T2LF document. Once the merchandise has been received in the Canary Islands, the item of the temporary storage summary declaration (DSDT) will be settled with the corresponding VEXCAN introduction SAD , in box 44 of which the MRN of the peninsular dispatch SAD will be recorded. As a document proving the customs status of the goods declared in the DSDT consignment in the Canary Islands, the MRN corresponding to the peninsular shipping document will be recorded.
In the case of presentation in the Canary Islands of a T2LF issued in another Member State of the European Union, the DSDT shipment will be settled with the corresponding VEXCAN introduction SAD , in whose box 44 the number of the T2LF document will be entered. As a document proving the customs status of the goods declared in the DSDT consignment in the Canary Islands, the number corresponding to the T2LF document issued in the EEMM will be recorded.