Goods affected by controls of other Ministries
If you are going to carry out foreign trade operations, check whether your goods may require any special certification or authorization from other public bodies...
Fluorinated gases
According to Regulation ( EU ) No 2024/573 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 February 2024 on fluorinated greenhouse gases, amending Directive 2019/1937 and repealing Regulation 517/2014, the IMPORT, EXPORT, INTRODUCTION, production, supply and subsequent use of fluorinated greenhouse gases and of products and equipment containing such gases or whose operation depends on such gases are prohibited, except in cases of temporary storage (art. 22).
However, the Regulation establishes three requirements for carrying out any of the prohibited activities with merchandise covered by the scope of application and a series of exemptions and exceptions to said prohibition, which require obtaining a license or authorization, quota and/or labeling obligation.
Since 15 January 2025, a specific measure has been in place to control the export of fluorinated gases.
You can contact the General Subdirectorate for Climate Change Mitigation of the Spanish Climate Change Office of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, whose contact email address is:
A valid registration on the F-Gas Portal via the European Commission website constitutes a valid licence in accordance with Article 20(4) of the Regulation, required under Articles 22.1 and 20.5.