Notification alerts by mobile phone or email
You can subscribe or modify your subscription details to the AEAT information notices from the "Subscription/Modification to information notices" service available on the AEAT website.
You can access with an electronic certificate, Cl@ve , with the Income reference provided by the Tax Agency or with identification eIDAS for citizens of the EU.
Remember that if you log in with a reference, you can request it up to 10 times a day and the valid reference will always be the last one requested. The reference service is available on the Income portal or in the Tax Agency APP. Whenever you select the identification by reference, you can get a new one by clicking the option "I don't have a reference".
Once you enter the service, the data details will be displayed; If you have already been registered, you can consult this information in "Other data". Otherwise, click the "Subscribe" button and provide your subscription details.
If you are already registered for the service, but you wish to modify the data relating to your telephone number and/or email address, you can do so by clicking "Modify".
Next, you can fill in the fields and provide the details regarding your telephone number, which may be Spanish or foreign, and your email address. After finishing, press "Confirm". You can also activate notification alerts in the APP AEAT .
The registration confirmation message will be displayed along with the details of the data. You can download the PDF with proof of registration for the service.
In addition to receiving notifications via SMS and email, the notification route through the APP- AEAT is enabled. The mobile application allows you to obtain the Income Tax reference, consult your tax data and obtain a copy of submitted Income Tax returns, in addition to managing other general services at the Headquarters.