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Securities portfolio


Homogeneous securities or shares are considered to be those that meet the requirements established in article 8 of Royal Decree 439/2007, of March 30, which approves the Personal Income Tax Regulations and modifies the Regulations on Pension Plans and Funds.

Specifically, the set of negotiable securities from the same issuer, which form part of the same financial transaction or respond to a unity of purpose, including the systematic obtaining of financing, and which have the same nature and transmission regime, and attribute to their holders a substantially similar content of rights and obligations, are considered homogeneous.

The homogeneity of a set of securities shall not be affected by any differences between them in relation to their unit value; dates of launch, material delivery or pricing; placement procedures, including the existence of tranches or blocks intended for specific categories of investors; or any other aspects of an accessory nature. In particular, homogeneity will not be altered by the division of the issue into successive tranches or by the provision of extensions.

As a general rule, the shares of the same entity will be homogeneous securities.

For the purposes of determining the cost and age of the securities, those held as bare ownership and those held in full ownership are not considered homogeneous values, since the dismemberment of the domain gives rise to the existence of two different patrimonial realities.

Securities subscribed by the same taxpayer as sole owner and those whose ownership is shared with other persons are not considered homogeneous. For example, shares owned 100% by the taxpayer and shares in the same entity owned 50% by the taxpayer with his/her spouse are not considered homogeneous securities.

Shares of the same entity that the taxpayer co-owns with different co-owners will not be homogeneous securities either, for example, shares owned 50% by a spouse and 50% by a sibling.

The program distinguishes non-homogeneous values within the same entity through groupings, where the percentage of ownership is always stated. The taxpayer can create and modify the value groups. These groups will be distinguished by the percentage and, where applicable, the name assigned by the user.

Example: Taxpayer who owns shares in entity X, 100% private and 50% jointly owned with his/her spouse. The program will include:

Worth: Entity X

Group 1: 100%

Group 2: 50%

The taxpayer may give the name he or she wishes to each of these groups, for example:

Entity X

100% Private

50% With spouse

Important : The different operations related to the shares are captured in the groups that within each value refer to homogeneous values. Therefore, to capture a transaction, it is necessary that the value (share) and the grouping (percentage of ownership) of said share have been previously created in the download of the data relating to the shares or by the taxpayer himself.