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Form 100. Personal Income Tax Return 2022

10.3.20. For the acquisition of electric vehicles


15% of the amounts paid in the tax period for the acquisition of new “plug-in” electric and fuel cell vehicles.

Requirements and conditions

  • The deduction will be applicable for only one vehicle per taxpayer.

  • The taxpayer must have the corresponding sales contract and only the taxpayer listed in the contract may apply the deduction.

  • The deduction will not apply to vehicles used for economic activities. Therefore, if the vehicle is used for the development of an activity, it will not give rise to the right to the deduction, regardless of whether this activity is carried out by the purchaser (or by one of the purchasers when there is more than one) or by a third party.

  • The maximum deduction base will be 50,000 euros per vehicle. If a vehicle is purchased by more than one person, the maximum base will be prorated among the purchasers.

    This base will be reduced, where applicable, by the amount of public aid received by the taxpayer for the acquisition of the vehicle.

  • The deduction will be applied in the year in which the expense is incurred. If amounts are paid in more than one year, the deduction will be applied in each of them for the expense incurred in each year.

  • Only new vehicles belonging to the categories described in Annex I, Incentive Program 1 will be eligible for the application of the deduction: Acquisition of “plug-in” electric and fuel cell vehicles, of Royal Decree 266/2021, of April 13, which approves the direct granting of aid to the autonomous communities and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla for the execution of incentive programs linked to electric mobility (MOVES III) within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of the Spanish Economy.


The amount paid that, in accordance with the above, gives the right to the deduction will be recorded.

Additionally, it will indicate the number of purchasers and the vehicle registration number.