2. Economic Activities Tax
The Tax on Economic Activities (IAE) is a direct tax of a real nature that taxes the exercise of business, professional or artistic activities in national territory, whether or not they are exercised in a specific location and whether or not they are specified in the tax rates.
Its management is shared between the General State Administration and the local Administrations or CC. AA. , depending on the type of fee (municipal, provincial or national) under which the corresponding activity pays taxes.
The Tax Agency's electronic headquarters includes a virtual assistance tool called " Activity Finder and its tax obligations ", where you can consult, among other issues, the classification of the economic activities carried out or to be carried out, in their corresponding groups or sections according to the Rates of the Tax on economic activities.
Census management (creation of tax registration, classification of activities and setting of quotas) is the exclusive responsibility of the State Tax Administration. However, the notification of these acts, as well as the notification of the settlements that determine the tax debts, can be carried out by both the City Councils and the State Administration.
The census management of national and provincial quotas is carried out by the AEAT .
The census management of municipal quotas may be delegated to the Autonomous Communities, City Councils, Provincial Councils, Island Councils or Councils and to other entities recognised by law that so request.
The following are subject to the IAE natural persons , legal persons and entities without legal personality that carry out business, professional and artistic activities within the national territory; except for agricultural, dependent livestock, forestry and fishing industries.
The following are exempt from the IAE , among others:
Natural persons, whether or not they are residents of Spanish territory.
Taxpayers of Corporate Tax, civil companies and entities of article 35.4 of Law 58/2003, of December 17, General Tax Law, that have a net turnover amount of less than (INCN) 1,000,000 euros. (1)
As for taxpayers of the Non-Resident Income Tax, the exemption will only apply to those who operate in Spain through a permanent establishment, provided that their net turnover is less than 1,000,000 euros. (2)
Taxpayers who begin to exercise their activity in Spanish territory, during the first two tax periods of this tax in which their activity is carried out.
For these purposes, it will not be considered that the exercise of an activity has begun when it has been previously carried out under another ownership, a circumstance that will be understood to occur, among other cases, in the cases of merger, spin-off or contribution of branches of activity.
Taxpayers exempt for all their economic activities, do not have to submit their own IAE declaration, but rather the presentation of the census declarations of registration, modification or cancellation (form 036) will be sufficient and sufficient.
Link to information and procedures for IAE
(1) (2) To determine the INCN the following rules will be taken into account: (Back 1) (Back 2)