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Practical guide for completing census form 036

Limited Companies New Company “SLNE” (constitution by non-telematic means) (B)

(Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010 of July 2 approves the revised text of the Capital Companies Act)

  • Original and photocopy of the public deed of incorporation, which must state the company name and which will consist of the two surnames and the name of one of the founding partners followed by an alphanumeric code ID- CIRCE , which is obtained through the website of the system CIRCE , PAE or IPyme .
  • Certificate of registration of the company in the Commercial Registry (failing this, it will be sufficient to provide the public deed of incorporation in which the stamp of the registration is printed will appear).
  • Photocopy of the NIF of the person who signs the census declaration, who must be a representative of the company. If the interested party appears before the Tax Authority, it will not be necessary to provide a photocopy of the NIF , provided that he/she authorizes the bodies of the AEAT to verify his/her identity data.
  • Original and photocopy of the document that proves the capacity of representation of the person signing the census declaration (this will not be necessary if it appears as such in the articles of incorporation or in the bylaws).