Irrigation community (G)
(Royal Legislative Decree 1/2001, of July 20, approving the revised text of the Water Law)
They are communities of users of water from the public hydraulic domain in which the purpose of the water is mainly for irrigation. These are Public Law Corporations with a predominantly associative basis.
- Photocopy of the statutes or ordinances of the Irrigation Community, approved by the users themselves.
- Administrative approval by the corresponding Hydrographic Confederation.
Hydrographic Confederations are autonomous bodies attached to the Ministry of the Environment, which must be established in hydrographic basins that exceed the territorial scope of an Autonomous Community. However, it should be noted that some Autonomous Communities, by virtue of their Statute of Autonomy, may exercise this power over the public water domain in river basins that are entirely within their territory.
- Photocopy of the NIF of the person who signs the census declaration, who must be a person with capacity or a representative. If the interested party appears before the Tax Authority, it will not be necessary to provide a photocopy of the NIF, provided that the interested party authorizes the AEAT bodies to verify their identity data.
- Original and photocopy of the document that proves the status of the person who signs the census declaration.