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Practical guide for completing census form 036

Address for notification purposes (if different from the tax address)

In tax proceedings initiated at the request of the interested party, notification shall be made at the place designated for this purpose by the taxpayer or his representative or, failing that, at the tax domicile of one or the other.

In procedures initiated ex officio, notification may be made at the tax domicile of the taxpayer or his representative, at the workplace, at the place where the economic activity is carried out or at any other suitable place for this purpose.

Therefore, if you wish to receive notifications arising from tax procedures, as well as informative communications, in a place other than your tax domicile, you must complete section 1, boxes B41 to B60. If you want the notification to be made to a post office box, complete section 2 (boxes B61 to B69)

You can only provide one address for notification purposes, therefore, you can only complete section 1 or 2, not both.

Regarding notification to post office boxes, it must be taken into account that it will be understood to have been carried out after 10 calendar days from the deposit of the shipment in the post office. Likewise, the use of this means of notification will require that the interested party has indicated it as preferred in the corresponding procedure initiated at his/her request.

If box B40 is checked, the cancellation of a previously reported notification address may be communicated.