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Practical guide for completing census form 036

Other entities

Included in box 78 for other entities are:

  • Entities that, even if they do not have legal personality, are subject to corporate tax
  • Entities without legal personality exempt from corporate tax, such as sectors, bodies or centres without legal personality dependent on the Public Administration
  • Entities that acquire legal personality from their registration in a public registry, while they are in the process of being established

If it is a Spanish legal entity in the process of incorporation , they will check box 78 of “Other entities”. In box B5, when filling in the company name or corporate name under no circumstances will the expression “under construction” be added. They will also indicate in box 79 the legal form in the process of incorporation.

In box 79 “Type of entity” the type of entity that applies according to the following table will be entered:





Limited company in formation

Limited company incorporated for sale in constitution

Listed investment companies on the market

real estate in constitution

Professional Corporation in formation

European Public Limited Company in formation

Laboral Corporation in formation

Single-Member Limited Company in formation


Limited Liability Company in formation

Limited company incorporated for sale in constitution

Limited Company of Professionals in formation

Limited company under formation

Limited Company New Company in formation

Single-Member Limited Company in formation


Collective society in formation


Limited partnership in formation


Cooperative society in formation

European Cooperative Society in formation

Unions, Federations and Confederations of Cooperatives in formation


Association of Consumers and Users in formation

Association LO 1/2002 in constitution

Sports Federation in constitution

Foundation in constitution

Public foundation in constitution

Business Organization in constitution

Other Associations (other than the above) in formation

Political Party in constitution

Union in formation


Professional Civil Societies in formation

Civil Companies WITH commercial purpose in constitution

Civil Companies WITHOUT commercial purpose in constitution


Town Hall or Provincial Council

Department or Body dependent on the Local Administration

Neighborhood councils


State Agency in constitution

Public Business Entity in formation

Body Assimilated to Autonomous of the Autonomous or Local Administration in constitution

Body Assimilated to Autonomous of the General Administration of the State in constitution

Autonomous Body of the Autonomous or Local Administration in constitution

Autonomous Body of the General Administration of the State in constitution

Other Public Bodies with legal personality in constitution


Congregation or Religious Institution in constitution


Department or Body dependent on the General Administration of the State in constitution

Department or Body dependent on the Autonomous Administration in constitution


Temporary union of companies


Economic Interest Grouping in formation

European Economic Interest Grouping in formation

Community of holders of communally owned forests in constitution

Banking asset fund in formation

Venture capital fund in formation

Investment guarantee fund in establishment

Investment fund in formation

Pension fund under construction

Mortgage market regulation fund in constitution

Securitisation fund in formation

Agrarian Transformation Society in formation

Other entities not defined in the rest of the keys