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Practical guide for completing census form 036

General regime [Model 036]

VATestablishes a general regime (box 510) as opposed to special regimes, with a different scope and content, established based on specific characteristics of goods, sectors or activities.

The general regime is compatible with all special regimes, except the simplified regime. Exceptionally, you can be in the general and simplified regimes in the calendar year in which, while carrying out an activity under the simplified regime, you begin another activity that is under the general regime or you begin a new activity that is susceptible to being under the simplified regime, which you renounce for that new activity. However, the performance by the taxpayer of other activities in the development of which he exclusively carries out operations exempt from the Tax by application of article 20 of its regulatory Law or leasing of real estate whose performance does not involve the development of an economic activity in accordance with the provisions of the regulations governing Personal Income Tax will not entail exclusion from the simplified regime. The subject will be under the general regime for an activity when he is not under any of the special regimes.

The general regime corresponds to the following scheme:

  • Businessmen or professionals are required to pay the corresponding VAT amounts for their sales or provision of services, with the obligation to pay them to the Treasury: VAT accrued or charged.
  • For their purchases they bear fees that, if they meet a series of requirements, can be deducted from the VAT charged: VAT input deductible.
  • You must make periodic declarations-settlements by subtracting the VAT incurred from the accrued VAT. If the result is positive, it must be paid into the Treasury and if it is negative, it is generally offset in the following returns-settlements. Only if at the end of the year, in the last declaration submitted, the result is negative, can you choose to request a refund or offset the negative balance in the settlements of the following four years.