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Practical guide for completing census form 036

Total exemption from article 9.1 LIS

They will be totally exempt from Corporate Tax (box 623 and 643 “Date”) :

  1. The State, the Autonomous Communities and local entities.
  2. The autonomous bodies of the State and public law entities of a similar nature of the Autonomous Communities and local entities.
  3. The Bank of Spain, the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit Institutions and the Investment Guarantee Funds.
  4. Managing Entities and Common Services of Social Security.
  5. The Institute of Spain and the official Royal Academies integrated into it and the institutions of the Autonomous Communities with their own official language that have purposes analogous to those of the Royal Spanish Academy.
  6. The public bodies mentioned in Additional Provisions Nine and Ten, Section 1, of Law 6/1997, of April 14, on the Organization and Functioning of the General State Administration, as well as public law entities of a similar nature of the Autonomous Communities and local entities.
  7. The State Agencies referred to in the first, second and third Additional Provisions of Law 28/2006, of July 18, on State Agencies for the improvement of public services, as well as those public bodies that were totally exempt from this Tax and are transformed into State Agencies.
  8. The Public Interest Oversight Board in audit standards, professional ethics and related matters.

These entities with full exemption are not required to file a corporate tax return and no withholding will be made on the income they obtain.