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Practical guide for completing census form 036

Form 111

The model 111 for self-assessment of withholdings and payments on account of Personal Income Tax on income from work and economic activities, prizes and certain capital gains and income imputations, must be used (boxes 700 Income from work or 701 certain economic activities, prizes and certain income imputations “High” of model 036 and boxes 720 or 721 “Date”, respectively) by the withholders and those required to make payments on account, based on the income to which it refers.

The withholding agent or person required to make payments on account will submit negative declaration when, despite having paid income subject to withholding or payment on account, due to its amount, no withholding or payment on account was made.

No negative declaration will be filed when no income subject to withholding and payment on account has been paid during the declaration period. In this case, you must submit a census declaration to inform the Tax Administration that you are not required to submit a declaration adjusted to form 111 (boxes 700 or 701 “Deregistration” of form 036 and boxes 720 or 721 “Date”)