When it is a entity without obligation to identify the beneficial owners , in accordance with section 2 of article 4 of Law 10/2010, cited above, you must indicate this by checking the box on page 10:
"Entity without obligation to identify the real owner in accordance with section 2 of article 4 of Law 10/2010, of April 28, on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism"
On the other hand, when you are required to do so, the data has not changed with respect to the information previously declared, you may check the box for this purpose:
"I declare that the information on the holders has not changed with respect to the information previously presented"
In other cases , you must complete page 10 as follows:
Reason for submission
The reason for filing must be stated:
- Communicate the registration of a beneficial owner
- Notify the withdrawal of a Real Owner
Report a change to a beneficial owner
The effective date of the cause motivating the communication must also be indicated.
Identification of the Real Owner
The identification data of the Real Owner will be completed:
- "Type of Identification Document", which may be:
- NIF ( DNI or NIE ): Tax Identification Number
- TIN : Tax Identification Number of other countries
- «NIF/foreign identification code».
- "Last name and name".
- «Country of issue of the identification document».
- "Birthdate".
- «Country of residence».
- "Nationality".