Allocation of capital gains and losses produced in 2020
General criteria
Regulations: Art. 14. 1. c) Law Income Tax
The declaration and determination of the amount of capital gains and losses must be made and attributed to the tax period in which the change in assets occurs.
Special criteria
Regulations: Art. 14.2.c), d), g), i), j) and k) Law Income Tax
A. Deferred price or installment transactions
In these cases, the taxpayer may choose to proportionally impute the capital gains or losses produced, as the corresponding collections become due.
Transactions with a deferred price or term will be considered those whose price is received, totally or partially, through successive payments, provided that the period elapsed between the delivery of the asset or the provision of the asset or right and the expiration of the last installment is greater than one year.
When the payment of an operation in installments or with a deferred price has been carried out, in whole or in part, through the issuance of exchange bills and these are transferred definitively before their maturity, the income will be imputed to the tax period of its transfer.
Note: the exercise of the option for the temporary imputation of the application of the deferred collection criterion will be carried out, element by element, in the section "Capital gains and losses with deferred price pending imputation in future years" of Annex C.1 of the declaration.
In no case will operations derived from life annuity or temporary annuity contracts be treated in this way for the transferor. When assets and rights are transferred in exchange for a life or temporary annuity, the capital gain or loss for the annuitant will be attributed to the tax period in which the annuity is established.
B. Public aid
In general: Capital gains derived from public aid will be imputed to the tax period in which they are collected , without prejudice to the options listed below:
Public aid received as compensation for structural defects in the habitual residence . When such aid is intended for the repair of the habitual residence it may be imputed in quarters in the tax period in which it is obtained and in the following three.
Precision: This criterion is introduced, with effect from 1 January 2015, by Law 26/2014, of 27 November, which modifies Law 35/2006, of 28 November, on Personal Income Tax ( BOE of the 28th). Previously, the administrative criterion in these cases established the imputation at the time when the grantor communicated the concession to the applicant, regardless of the time of payment. However, if, in accordance with the requirements of the grant, the payment of the subsidy became due after the year of its communication, the profit generated by the subsidy had to be attributed to the tax period in which the corresponding amount was due.
- Direct state aid for down payment on housing . Aid included in the scope of state plans for access, for the first time, to home ownership, received by taxpayers, from 1 January 2002, through a single payment in the form of Direct State Aid for Entry (AEDE), may be imputed in quarters in the tax period in which they are obtained and in the following three.
- Public aid to owners of assets of the Spanish Historical Heritage registered in the General Registry of assets of cultural interest . These grants, intended exclusively for their conservation or rehabilitation, may be imputed in quarters in the tax period in which they are obtained and in the following three, provided that the requirements established in Law 16/1985 of June 25, on the Spanish Historical Heritage, are met, in particular with regard to the duties of visiting and publicly exhibiting said assets.
D refinancing os. Since September 1, 2020, see Royal Legislative Decree 1/2020, of May 5, approving the revised text of the Bankruptcy Law
That, if the debtor is in a situation of bankruptcy, the agreement in which a reduction in the amount of the credit is agreed upon becomes effective in accordance with the provisions of article 133 of Law 22/2003, of July 9, Bankruptcy, in which case the loss will be computed by the amount of the reduction.
As of September 1, 2020, articles 393, 394 and 395 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2020, of May 5, approving the revised text of the Bankruptcy Law, must be taken into account.
Otherwise, if the reduction is not agreed, the loss may be imputed when the bankruptcy proceedings conclude without the credit having been satisfied, unless the conclusion of the bankruptcy is agreed for the following reasons referred to in sections 1, 4 and 5 of article 176 of Law 22/2003, of July 9, Bankruptcy and, since September 1, 2020, sections 1, 6 and 7 of article 465 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2020, of May 5, which approves the revised text of the Bankruptcy Law. The aforementioned causes for the conclusion of the competition are:
That a period of one year has elapsed since the start of the judicial procedure other than bankruptcy proceedings that have as their object the enforcement of the credit without the credit having been satisfied.
When the credit is collected after the capital loss has been calculated, a capital gain will be recorded for the amount collected in the tax period in which said collection occurs.