5. Premiums paid to private insurance that exclusively cover the risk of severe or high dependency
The premiums paid for private insurance that exclusively covers the risk of severe dependency or great dependency may be subject to reduction in accordance with the provisions of Law 39/2006, of December 14, on the Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for People in Situations of Dependency ( BOE of 15).
Subjective scope
The following give the right to reduce the general tax base of IRPF the premiums paid by :
- The taxpayer himself.
- People who have a family relationship with the taxpayer, in a direct or collateral line up to the third degree inclusive.
- The taxpayer's spouse.
- Persons who have the taxpayer under a guardianship or foster care regime.
Premiums paid by persons referred to in letters b), c) and d) above are not subject to Inheritance and Gift Tax.
Target Scope
The aforementioned private insurance must in all cases meet the following requirements :
- The taxpayer must be the policyholder, insured and beneficiary. Nevertheless. In the event of death, the right to benefits may be generated under the terms provided for in the regulations governing pension plans and funds.
- The insurance must necessarily offer an interest guarantee and use actuarial techniques.