Purpose, maximum base and percentage of the deduction
Object of the deduction
Taxpayers may apply this deduction for amounts paid in the fiscal year for the subscription of shares or interests in newly or recently created companies when the requirements and conditions indicated below are met, and may, in addition to providing capital, collaborate with their business or professional knowledge in the development of the entity in which they invest under the terms established by the investment agreement between the taxpayer and the entity.
Attention : This deduction is exclusively state-owned and, therefore, only reduces the full state quota.
Deduction base and maximum amount
The maximum deduction base is 60,000 euros per year and is formed by the acquisition value of the shares or participations subscribed.
The amounts paid for the subscription of shares or participations will not form part of the deduction base when, with respect to such amounts, the taxpayer applies a deduction established by the Autonomous Community in the exercise of its powers.
Furthermore, when the taxpayer transfers shares or interests and chooses to apply the exemption for reinvestment regulated in article 38.2 of the the part of the reinvestment that exceeds the total amount obtained from the transfer of the shares or interests will form part of the deduction base corresponding to the new shares or interests subscribed In no case can a deduction be made for new shares or interests as long as the amounts invested do not exceed the aforementioned amount.
Regarding the exemption for reinvestment of capital gains obtained from the transfer of shares or interests in newly or recently created companies, see Chapter 11.
Percentage of deduction
The deduction percentage applicable to the amounts paid in the fiscal year for the subscription of shares or interests in newly or recently created companies, in the terms previously mentioned, is 30 percent .