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Practical manual for Income Tax 2020.

Table: Classification of yields according to their origin

The following table shows the classification of capital gains according to their origin.

(*) As long as the income does not derive from affected elements or are obtained within the scope of an economic activity. (Back)


Performance class


Equity Securities (Shares and other equity interests in any type of entity)

Returns obtained from participation in the equity of entities

  • Dividends, attendance bonuses at meetings and participation in profits of entities
  • Constitution or transfer of rights or powers of use or enjoyment of shares and participations
  • Any profit derived from the status of partner, shareholder, associate or participant
  • Distribution of the issue premium and capital reduction with return of contributions in traded securities whose amounts exceed the acquisition value of the respective shares

Fixed-income securities and other financial instruments

Equity transferred to third parties

Agreed or estimated returns for the transfer of own capital to third parties

  • Interest on accounts or deposits
  • Interest and other income from fixed-income securities (bonds)
  • Interest on loans granted

Returns derived from operations carried out on financial assets

  • Transmission, amortization, exchange or reimbursement of financial assets, such as:
    • Public Debt Securities (Treasury Bills, Government Bonds and Obligations, etc.)
    • Other financial assets
    • Preferred shares and subordinated debt
  • Temporary transfer of financial assets and assignment of credits

Life or disability insurance contracts and capitalization operations

Income from life or disability insurance contracts and capitalization operations

  • Survival benefits
  • Retirement benefits
  • Disability benefits
  • Temporary or life annuities through capital imposition

Other unaffected assets of a movable nature (Goods or rights)

Other income from movable capital

  • Intellectual property (if the recipient is a person other than the author)
  • Industrial property (*)
  • Technical assistance (*)
  • Leasing of movable property, businesses or mines, as well as those from subleasing received by the sub-lessor (*)
  • Assignment of the right to exploit the image (*)