All municipal areas (except those detailed with a lower index) |
Non-citrus fruits: Apricot and plum |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine |
0.19 |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.19 |
Olive products |
0.09 |
Municipal terms of: Ademuz |
Non-citrus fruits: Apple |
0.26 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Ador, Albal, Almiserà, Almoines, Alqueria de la Comtessa (L''), Barx, Bellreguard, Beniarjó, Beniflá, Benirredrà, Castellonet de la Conquesta, Daimús, Font d''En Carròs (La), Guardamar de la Safor, Llocnou de Sant Jeroni, Rafelcofer, Real de Gandia (El), Rocafort, Simat de la Valldigna, Tavernes Blanques and Xeraco |
Citrus: Mandarin and orange |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Agullent, Alcublas, Alpuente, Andilla, Aras de los Olmos, Benagéber, Streets, High Houses, Low Houses, Castielfabib, Chelva, Cheste, Dos Aguas, Fontanars dels Alforins, Higueruelas, Jalance, Jarafuel, Montroi/Montroy, Palomar (El) , Puebla de San Miguel, Requena, Sinarcas, Torrebaja, Tuéjar, Vallanca, Venta del Moro, Villar del Arzobispo, Villargordo del Cabriel, Yesa (La) and Yátova |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Alaquàs, Paiporta, Picanya, Torrent and Xirivella |
Horticultural products: Artichoke and onion |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Albalat dels Sorells, Albuixech, Burjassot and Vinalesa |
Citrus: Mandarin and orange |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Artichoke and onion |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Alborache |
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits: Pear |
0.26 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Table grapes |
0.11 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.22 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Alboraia/Alboraya |
Citrus: Tangerine |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Artichoke and onion |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Green bean |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Alcàsser and Picassent |
Citrus: Mandarin, orange and grapefruit |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Onion |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Alcúdia (L''), Benimodo, Carlet, Chulilla, Llombai, Losa del Obispo, Sant Joanet, Senyera and Vilamarxant |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Alcúdia de Crespins (L''), Cerdà, Granja de la Costera (La), Llocnou d'En Fenollet, Llosa de Ranes (La), Manuel, Novelé/Novetlè, Torrella y Vallés |
Citrus: Tangerine |
0.13 |
Citrus: Orange |
0.18 |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Olive products |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Aldaia |
Citrus: Mandarin and orange |
0.05 |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Horticultural products: Artichoke |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Alfafar, Beniparrell, Catarroja, Massanassa and Silla |
Citrus: Mandarin and orange |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Onion |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Alfauir, Benifairó de la Valldigna, Gandia, Miramar, Nàquera/Náquera, Oliva, Palma de Gandía, Palmera, Piles, Potries, Rótova, Tavernes de la Valldigna, Vilallonga/Villalonga and Xeresa |
Citrus: Mandarin, orange and grapefruit |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Alfara del Patriarca |
Citrus: Mandarin and orange |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Artichoke and onion |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Green bean |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Alfarp, Benissoda, Bufali and Olleria (L'') |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Municipal terms of: Aielo de Rugat, Alfarrasí, Benicolet, Bèlgida, Carrícola, Castelló de Rugat, Llutxent, Montaverner, Montitxelvo/Montichelvo, Otos, Pinet, Pobla del Duc (La), Quatretonda, Rugat, Salem and Terrateig |
Citrus: Mandarin and orange |
0.18 |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine |
0.13 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Almàssera, Massalfassar, Massamagrell and Pobla de Farnals (La) |
Citrus: Mandarin and orange |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Artichoke and onion |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Green bean |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Almussafes |
Horticultural products: Cabbage and other cabbages |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Escarole and lettuce |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Spinach |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Anna, Bolbaite, Enguera and Navarrés |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Olive products |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Ayora and Camporrobles |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.11 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.09 |
Municipal terms of: Barxeta |
Citrus: Tangerine |
0.13 |
Citrus: Orange |
0.18 |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits: Pear |
0.07 |
Olive products |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Bellús, Buñol and Font de la Figuera (La) |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Beniatjar |
Citrus: Mandarin and orange |
0.18 |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine |
0.13 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.22 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Benifaió |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine |
0.13 |
Horticultural products: Escarole and lettuce |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Other cabbages |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Benigànim |
Citrus: Mandarin and orange |
0.18 |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine |
0.07 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Benissano |
Horticultural products: Cauliflower |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Benissuera |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine |
0.13 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Bicorp, Chella, Estubeny, Millares and Quesa |
Olive products |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Bocairent |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.22 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Bonrepòs i Mirambell, Foios and Moncada |
Citrus: Mandarin, orange and grapefruit |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Artichoke and onion |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Green bean |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Canals, Genovés (El), Rafelguaraf, Rotglà i Corberà, Vallada and Xàtiva |
Citrus: Tangerine |
0.13 |
Citrus: Orange |
0.18 |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Olive products |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Catadau |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.13 |
Non-citrus fruits: Pomegranate |
0.26 |
Municipal terms of: Caudete of the Fountains |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Cofrentes, Macastre and Titaguas |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.22 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Courts of Pallás |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Olive products |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Quart de Poblet |
Citrus: Tangerine |
0.05 |
Citrus: Orange |
0.09 |
Horticultural products: Artichoke and onion |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Chiva |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.13 |
Non-citrus fruits: Pear |
0.26 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Fuenterrobles |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Olive products |
0.05 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.16 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Godella |
Citrus: Mandarin and orange |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Artichoke and onion |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Godelleta |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.13 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Table grapes |
0.16 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.22 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Guadasséquies and Ráfol de Salem |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine |
0.13 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Manises |
Citrus: Tangerine |
0.09 |
Citrus: Orange |
0.05 |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Horticultural products: Artichoke and onion |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Meliana |
Citrus: Mandarin and orange |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Artichoke and onion |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Cauliflower and green beans |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Mislata and Riola |
Horticultural products: Artichoke |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Mogente/Moixent |
Citrus: Tangerine |
0.13 |
Citrus: Orange |
0.18 |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Oilseeds: Sunflower |
0.06 |
Olive products |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Montserrat and Real |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine |
0.07 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Montesa |
Citrus: Tangerine |
0.13 |
Citrus: Orange |
0.18 |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine |
0.13 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Olive products |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Museros |
Citrus: Mandarin and orange |
0.18 |
Nuts: Carob |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Artichoke and onion |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Green bean |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Ontinyent |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry |
0.07 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Paterna |
Citrus: Mandarin and orange |
0.18 |
Nuts: Nut |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Artichoke and onion |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Pedralba |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.13 |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Town of Vallbona (La) |
Horticultural products: Artichoke |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Rafelbunyol |
Citrus: Mandarin, orange and grapefruit |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Artichoke and onion |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Riba-roja de Túria |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Horticultural products: Artichoke and onion |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Sedaví |
Citrus: Tangerine |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Onion |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Always |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.07 |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine |
0.07 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: Serra |
Citrus: Mandarin and orange |
0.18 |
Nuts: Nut |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Sumacàrcer |
Citrus: Orange |
0.18 |
Non-citrus fruits: Khaki |
0.13 |
Municipal terms of: Teresa of Cofrentes and Zarra |
Non-citrus fruits: Cherry |
0.07 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Municipal terms of: All |
Non-citrus fruits: Peach and nectarine |
0.07 |
Municipal terms of: Turis |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Table grapes |
0.16 |
Grapes for wine with DO |
0.22 |
Grapes for wine without DO |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Valencia |
Citrus: Mandarin, orange and grapefruit |
0.18 |
Nuts: Almond |
0.05 |
Horticultural products: Artichoke and onion |
0.18 |
Horticultural products: Green bean |
0.18 |
Municipal terms of: Ènova and Llanera de Ranes |
Citrus: Tangerine |
0.13 |
Citrus: Orange |
0.18 |