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List of local entities adhering to the AEAT-FEMP agreements


Branch Supply of Information Exchange and collaboration in Tax Collection Management Electronic Filing of Declarations Executive Tax Collection
CÁCERES Acehúche Alcantara Belvis of Monroy Caceres, Provincial Council of
Almaraz Alcuéscar Caceres, Provincial Council of
Casar de Cáceres Baths of Montemayor Cedillo
Houses of Don Gomez Belvis of Monroy Garrovillas de Alconetar
Casatejada Cáceres Fatty, The
Casillas de Coria Caceres, Provincial Council of Ibahernando
Ceclavin Carcaboso Jarandilla de la Vera
Cedillo Coria Losar de la Vera
Delightful Garrovillas de Alconétar Romangordo
Guadalupe Fatty, The Sierra de Gata, Commonwealth of Municipalities
Holguera Albalat fig tree San Pedro Mountains, Commonwealth of Municipalities
Losar de la Vera Huélaga Montánchez bramble
Madrigalejo Ibahernando Zorita
Marchagaz Malpartida of Caceres
Montánchez Plasencia's malpartida
Montehermoso Alcantara Forest
Morcillo Moral
Navaconcejo Navalmoral de la Mata
Neck Plasencia
Small pass Portage
Riolobos Port of Santa Cruz
Fresnedosa River, Commonwealth Romangordo
San Pedro Mountains, Comprehensive Commonwealth Saint Ana
Torrejoncillo Serradilla
Alagón Valley, Comprehensive Commonwealth of Municipalities Talayuela
Valverde de la Vera Trujillo
Vegaviana Valencia de Alcántara
Montánchez bramble Villa del Campo
Villa del Rey
Zarza the Great