New regulations for 2015
Skip information indexAct 9/2015, of 25 May, of urgent measures of matters of bankruptcy.
Act 9/2015, of 25 May, of urgent measures of matters of bankruptcy has been published in the Official State Gazette dated 26 May 2015, including the changes already introduced by Act 17/2014, dated 30 September, through which urgent measures are adopted on the subject of refinancing and restructuring of business debt, which came into force effective for the tax periods starting from 1 January 2014.
Law 9/2015 of May 25, on urgent measures in bankruptcy matters, in its Fifth Final Provision does not introduce any new features with respect to the text approved by Law 17/2014, but indicates that these changes will take effect for tax periods ending after the entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 4/2014, of March 7, by which urgent measures are adopted in matters of refinancing and restructuring of corporate debt, which was as of Sunday, March 9, 2014.
Ley 9/2015, de 25 de mayo,de medidas urgentes en materia concursal.
Law 17/2014, of September 30, which adopts urgent measures regarding refinancing and restructuring of corporate debt Royal Decree-Law 4/2014, of March 7, by which urgent measures are adopted regarding refinancing and restructuring of corporate debt