2.3. Organisation
The governing bodies of the Tax Agency are: the President, who is the Secretary of State for the Treasury, the General Director, the Permanent Steering Committee, and the Regional Management Coordinating Committee.
It is the President's duty to perform the executive management of the Tax Agency and to legally represent it in any kind of act or contract, and it's the General Director's duty to manage its routine functioning.
The advisory bodies of the Tax Agency's management are the Permanent Steering Committee and the Regional Management Coordinating Committee.
The Permanent Steering Committee is presided over by the President of the Tax Agency or, in his absence, by the General Director, who is the Vice-President. All the Directors of the Departments and Services of the Tax Agency form part of this Committee, and the Central Delegate for Large Taxpayers and the Special Delegate for Madrid also attend its meetings.
Members of the Permanent Steering Committee at 31 December 2014:
- Miguel Ferre Navarrete, Chairman
- Santiago Menéndez Menéndez, General Director
- Rufino de la Rosa Cordón, Director of the Tax Management Department
- Luis María Sánchez González, Director of the Financial and Tax Audit Department
- Soledad García López, Director of the Tax Collection Department
- Pilar Jurado Borrego, Director of the Customs and Excise Department
- Manuel Alfonso Castro Martínez, Director of the Taxation IT Department
- Manuel José Rufas Vallés, Director of the Human Resources Department
- Juan Manuel Herrero de Egaña Espinosa de los Monteros, Director of Legal Services
- Teresa Campos Ferrer, Director of Internal Audit Services
- Natalia Vitores Mingo, Director of the Economic Management Service
- Rubén Víctor Fernández de Santiago, Director of the Tax and Statistics Studies Service
- Ángel Rodríguez Rodríguez, Director of the Planning and Institutional Relations Service
- Daniel Gómez Aragón, Manager of the Director General's Office
- Ignacio Huidobro Arreba, Central Delegate for Large Taxpayers
- Raquel Catalá Polo, Special Delegate for Madrid
The Co-ordinating Committee for the Regional Directorate is chaired by the General Director of the Tax Agency and is composed by the members of the Permanent Steering Committee, as well as by the Central Delegate for Major Taxpayers and by all the Special Delegates of the Tax Agency.
The structure of the Tax Agency is divided into Central Services and Regional Services.
Central Services are based on an organizational model based on functional operational areas and support areas.
The Territorial Services , as of December 31, 2014, were made up of 17 Special Delegations - one for each Autonomous Community - and 39 Delegations, which include 224 Administrations, 31 of them Customs.
In the year 2006 the Central Delegation for Large Taxpayers was created, a body with powers throughout the national territory, with functions of co-ordination and improvement of the assistance and the service of large taxpayers.
In addition, the Tax Agency forms part of and presides over collegiate bodies of coordination of the transferred taxes established in Act nº 22/2009 of 18 December: the Higher Council for Tax Coordination and Management (a collegiate body formed by representatives of the Tax Administration of the State and of the Autonomous Communities and Cities with Statutes of Autonomy, the Regional Councils for Tax Management and Coordination (collegiate bodies formed by representatives of the Tax Authorities of the State and of the Autonomous Community or City with its respective Statute of Autonomy.
The Tax Agency's basic organisation at 31 December 2014 is shown below: