New regulations for 2024
Skip information indexMain new features Royal Decree-Law 9/2024, of December 23, adopting urgent measures in economic, tax, transport, and Social Security matters, and extending certain measures to address situations of social vulnerability
With from 1 2025, the following amendments are introduced to Law 35/2006 of 28 November on Personal Income Tax:
- Obligation to declare
The limit that excludes the obligation to declare will be 15,786 euros in the case of receiving full employment income when it comes from more than one payer. However, , the limit will be 22,000 euros per year if the sum of the amounts received from the second and remaining payers, in order of amount, does not exceed in total the amount of 2,500 euros per year (previously the amount was 1,500 euros per year).
(Article 96.3 LIRPF is modified by section One of article 6. First of Royal Decree-Law 9/2024)
- Deduction for energy efficiency improvement works in homes
The period during which efficiency improvement works can be carried out to apply this deduction is extended:
- The deduction for works to reduce the demand for heating and cooling may be applied for amounts paid for works carried out until December 31, 2025 in the habitual residence or any other residence owned by the person that was rented for use as a residence at that time or in expectation of renting, provided that, in the latter case, the residence is rented before December 31, 2026.
- The deduction for works to improve the consumption of non-renewable primary energy may be applied for the amounts paid for works carried out until December 31, 2025 in the habitual residence or any other residence owned by the person rented for use as a residence at that time or in expectation of renting, provided that, in the latter case, the residence is rented before December 31, 2026.
- The deduction for works carried out in buildings of predominantly residential use may be applied for the amounts paid for such works until December 31, 2026.
(Additional Provision Fiftieth of the LIRPF is amended by Section Two of Article 6. First of Royal Decree-Law 9/2024)
- Deduction for the acquisition of plug-in electric vehicles and fuel cells and charging points
The period during which vehicles can be purchased or charging points installed to apply this deduction is extended:
- The deduction for the acquisition of "plug-in" electric vehicles and fuel cell may be practiced by those that are acquired until December 31, 2025.
- The deduction for the installation of charging points will be applied to the amounts paid for the installation of battery charging systems for electric vehicles in a property owned by you until December 31, 2025 . The deduction will be applied in the tax period in which the installation is completed, which cannot be after 2025 .
(Additional Provision Fifty-eighth of the LIRPF is amended by Section Three of Article 6. First of Royal Decree-Law 9/2024)
- Extension of the exclusionary limits of the objective estimation method
The quantitative limits that have been applied in previous years and that delimit the scope of application of the objective estimation method for economic activities included in the scope of application of said method are extended for the year 2025, with the exception of agricultural, livestock and forestry activities, which have their own quantitative limit based on volume of income.
Therefore, the general exclusion magnitudes will be the following for the year 2025:
- Volume of income in the immediately preceding year greater than 000 euros for all economic activities, except agricultural, livestock and forestry activities. All the operations shall be taken into account, irrespective of whether there is a duty to issue an invoice. The operations in which there is an obligation to issue an invoice when the recipient is a businessman, may not exceed 125,000 euros .
- Volume of income for the set of agricultural, forestry and livestock activities greater than 250,000 euros.
- purchases of goods and services in the immediately preceding , excluding acquisitions of fixed , exceeding 000 euros.
(The second transitional provision of the LIRPF is modified by section Four of article 6. First of Royal Decree-Law 9/2024)
- Deadline for waivers and revocations to the objective estimation method of Personal Income Tax
A new deadline is established to renounce or revoke the resignation from the objective estimation regime from the following date of publication of this Royal Decree-Law (December 24, 2024) until January 31, 2025 .
Resignations and revocations submitted for the year 2025 during the month of December 2024, prior to the new deadline, will be deemed to have been submitted during the valid period.
(Sole transitional provision of Royal Decree-Law 9/2024)
- Imputation of real estate income
With effect from 1 January 2024 , it is established that the imputation percentage of 1.1 provided for in article 85 of the LIRPF will be applicable in the case of properties located in municipalities in which the cadastral values have been reviewed, modified or determined by means of a general collective valuation procedure, provided that they have entered into force as of 1 January 2012 .
(Additional Provision fifty-fifth of the LIRPF is modified by article 6. Second of Royal Decree-Law 9/2024)
Real Decreto-ley 9/2024, de 23 de diciembre,por el que se adoptan medidas urgentes en materia económica, tributaria, de transporte, y de Seguridad Social, y se prorrogan determinadas medidas para hacer frente a situaciones de vulnerabilidad social.