New regulations for 2020
Skip information indexReduction of the net return index for agricultural and livestock activities for the 2019 tax period
For the 2019 tax period, the net income rates applicable in the objective estimation method of personal income tax for agricultural and livestock activities affected by various exceptional circumstances are reduced.
Orden HAC/329/2020, de 6 de abril,por la que se reducen para el período impositivo 2019 los índices de rendimiento neto aplicables en el método de estimación objetiva del Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas para las actividades agrícolas y ganaderas afectadas por diversas circunstancias excepcionales.
Previous The personal income tax and wealth tax return models for the 2019 financial year are approved, and the place, form and deadlines for their submission are determined Next Main tax measures included in Royal Decree-Law 35/2020, of December 22, on urgent measures to support the tourism, hospitality and commerce sectors and in tax matters (BOE December 23)