New regulations for 2020
Skip information indexModification of the VAT Directive and Regulation (EU) 904/2010: application of the small business franchise regime in the EU, from January 1, 2025
Directiva (UE) 2020/285 del Consejo de 18 de febrero de 2020por la que se modifica la Directiva 2006/112/CE, relativa al sistema común del impuesto sobre el valor añadido, en lo que respecta al régimen especial de las pequeñas empresas, y el Reglamento (UE) nº 904/2010, en lo que respecta a la cooperación administrativa y al intercambio de información a efectos de vigilancia de la correcta aplicación del régimen especial de las pequeñas empresas.
On March 2, the Council Directive ( ## EU ) 2020/285 of February 18, 2020 amending the Directive is published in ##1## OJEU ##1## Directive 2006/112/ EC , on the common system of value added tax, as regards the special regime for small businesses, and Regulation (EU) No 904/ 2010, with regard to administrative cooperation and the exchange of information for the purposes of monitoring the correct application of the special regime for small businesses, with effect from January 1, 2025.
The new measures will allow small businesses established in Member States other than the one in which VAT is due to also benefit from the exemption. Furthermore, measures are established to monitor the correct application of the special regime for small businesses, such as information obligations for taxpayers who benefit from the exemption in a Member State in which they are not established. This will not entail any new registration or reporting obligations for small businesses that benefit from the franchise only in the Member State of establishment.