New regulations for 2018
Skip information indexVAT Directive Modification: The reverse charge and rapid reaction mechanism against intra-EU fraud in the scope of VAT on certain deliveries of goods and provisions of services
Directiva (UE) 2018/1695 del Consejo, de 6 de noviembre de 2018,por la que se modifica la Directiva 2006/112/CE, relativa al sistema común del impuesto sobre el valor añadido, en lo que respecta al período de aplicación del mecanismo opcional de inversión del sujeto pasivo en relación con determinadas entregas de bienes y prestaciones de servicios susceptibles de fraude, y del mecanismo de reacción rápida contra el fraude en el ámbito del IVA.
On November 12, Council Directive (EU) 2018/1695, of November 6, 2018, amending Council Directive 2006/112/EC (VAT Directive), to extend the application, is published in the OJEU. by the Member States of the reverse charge mechanism of article 199 bis and the rapid procedure of article 199 ter, until June 30, 2022, the date of entry into force of a definitive VAT regime. Furthermore, the requirement of a minimum period of two years of application for the measure established in Article 199a is eliminated.
Article 199a of the VAT Directive allows Member States to establish that the person liable for VAT on the supplies and services listed in that article is the taxable person receiving the goods or services (reverse charge mechanism) in order to quickly address the problem of fraud by the missing operator in intra-Community exchanges.
The special measure consisting of a rapid reaction mechanism established in Article 199b of the VAT Directive makes available to Member States a faster procedure allowing the introduction of the reverse charge mechanism in relation to certain supplies of goods and services of services in order to combat sudden and massive fraud that can generate significant and irreparable economic losses.