Regulatory developments 2021
Skip information indexRoyal Decree-Law 24/2021, of November 2, which modifies the VAT law with regard to temporary exemptions relating to imports and certain supplies, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Real Decreto-ley 24/2021, de 2 de noviembre,de transposición de directivas de la Unión Europea en las materias de bonos garantizados, distribución transfronteriza de organismos de inversión colectiva, datos abiertos y reutilización de la información del sector público, ejercicio de derechos de autor y derechos afines aplicables a determinadas transmisiones en línea y a las retransmisiones de programas de radio y televisión, exenciones temporales a determinadas importaciones y suministros, de personas consumidoras y para la promoción de vehículos de transporte por carretera limpios y energéticamente eficientes.
On November 3, 2021, Royal Decree-Law 24/2021, of November 2, amending articles 22, was published in the BOE Nine and 61 Law 37/1992, with the aim of extending the exemption from VAT to imports of goods, deliveries of goods and the provision of services intended for the Commission or a body or body established in accordance with Union law, when they acquire such goods or services to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in the exercise of their functions, provided that the imported goods or the acquired goods and services are not used for make subsequent deliveries for consideration by the entity benefiting from the exemption.
The exemptions introduced must be applied retroactively from 1 January 2021 and with indefinite validity , provided that the acquisitions are linked to the fight against the pandemic.
The retroactive application of the measure will, therefore, require the rectification of the operations carried out by taxable persons for which VAT would have been accrued from January 1, 2021 until its entry into force, subject to the general criteria contained in the VAT Law.