News 2018
Skip information index24-05-2018 Immediate Disclosure of Information: Recommendations for filling in the IDfactura field.
The recommendation to allocate the Invoice Series/Number to fill in the 'ID Factura' (Invoice ID) field of the SII (Immediate Disclosure of Information) is as follows:
Recommended set of characters: 0123456789ABCDEFEGHJKLMNPQRSTUVXYZ. We do not recommend you use lower-case letters.
Blank space: if you use this only one character will be used, and never any more.
Special characters: Dash '-', underscore '_', forward slash '/' and full stop '.'.
If the invoice identification includes the Series, we recommend that this comes first, followed by the invoice number with a space in between.
The ID Factura field should not start with blank spaces (therefore, text aligned to the left).
The Tax Agency publishes recommendations for filling in invoice identification (ID factura) on its Immediate Disclosure of Information (SII) portal.
this includes the set of recommended characters, removing ambiguities and limiting the use of special characters.
Recommendations are also provided on the structure of this field.
This recommendation comes from the collaboration between the Tax Agency and actors in the VAT sector, with a view to improve the quality of information and, for example, avoid discrepancies between customer and supplier record books.
See technical FAQ No. 63