10.2.8. For investment in the acquisition of shares or equity interests in new or recently created entities
Taxpayers will be entitled to a 20 percent deduction on amounts invested during the year in the acquisition of shares or equity interests as a result of agreements to form companies or increase capital in commercial companies referred to in article 68.1 of Law 35/2006 on Personal Income Tax.
This deduction will only be applicable to the amount invested that exceeds the maximum base of the state deduction provided for in the aforementioned article of the Law. The maximum amount of this deduction is 4,000 euros.
When the taxpayer transfers shares or interests and opts for the exemption provided for in section 2 of article 38 of Law 35/2006 on Personal Income Tax, only the part of the reinvestment that exceeds the total amount obtained from the transfer of those shares or interests will form part of the basis for the deduction corresponding to the new shares or interests subscribed. In no case may a deduction be made for new shares or interests as long as the amounts invested do not exceed the aforementioned amount.
The taxpayer must meet all the requirements and conditions set out in the state regulations of article 68.1 of Law 35/2006 on Personal Income Tax.
The entity in which the investment must be made must have its registered office and tax domicile in Aragon.
The taxpayer may be a member of the company's board of directors, but may not, under any circumstances, carry out executive or management functions or maintain an employment relationship with the entity.
Failure to comply with the established requirements and conditions will entail the effects and consequences provided for in article 59 of Royal Decree 439/2007 Personal Income Tax Regulations.
This deduction will be incompatible for the same investments with the deduction for investment in entities listed in the expansion company segment on the Alternative Stock Market.
A data capture window will open in which you must indicate the amount paid with the right to deduction