Form 596. II. Excise Duties Annual declaration of operations performed. Coal tax.
General Details
Form 596. II. Excise Duties Annual declaration of operations performed. Coal tax.
Procedure type
Compliance with formal requirements for filing an annual summary declaration of operations involving products subject to special taxes.
Responsible body
State Revenue Office
General information about the procedure
Start form
Applicant: Citizen - Company
Place for presentation
Annual Summary Statement of Operations Performed. Coal Tax (Form 596)
Phases of the procedure/service
Start. Electronic filing
Procedure: Correction No correction: File
Termination. Admission of the document by the Managing Office of II. Excise Duties
Resolution deadline
Does not have
Resolution body
State Revenue Office
There is no need to file an appeal.
Information related to electronic processing
Identification system
Electronic ID, Electronic Certificate, PIN Code
Level of interactivity
Level 4: Electronic processing
Basic Regulations
Order EHA/3947/2006, of December 21,which approves the models, deadlines, requirements and conditions for the presentation and entry of the declaration-settlement and the annual summary declaration of operations of the Special Tax on Coal and modifies the Order of June 15, 1995, in relationship with the deposit institutions that provide the collaboration service in collection management. (BOE December 28, 2006)
Processing regulations
Order HFP/292/2018, of March 15,which modifies Order EHA/3947/2006, of December 21, approving the models, deadlines, requirements and conditions for the presentation and payment of the declaration-settlement and the annual summary declaration of operations of the Special Tax on Coal and modifies the Order of June 15, 1995, in relation to the deposit entities that provide the service of collaboration in the collection management (BOE 21-March-2018).
Regulations approving the inclusion of the procedure or service in the registry
Resolution of December 28, 2009, of the Presidency of the State Tax Administration Agency,which creates the electronic headquarters and regulates the electronic records of the State Tax Administration Agency (BOE December 29, 2009)