Territorial Register of the Tax on the deposit of waste in landfills, the incineration and the co-incineration of waste
General Details
Territorial Register of the Tax on the deposit of waste in landfills, the incineration and the co-incineration of waste
Procedure type
Procedure for registration in the Territorial Registry of the Tax on the deposit of waste in landfills, the incineration and co-incineration of waste.
Responsible body
State Revenue Office
General information about the procedure
Start form
Applicant: Company - Administration
Place for presentation
Telematics, at the Electronic Headquarters of the Tax Agency
Phases of the procedure/service
There are no specific processing phases.
Resolution deadline
6 months
Resolution body
State Revenue Office
Replacement: within one month. On a discretionary basis, before the office from which the administrative act to be appealed comes, stating that no economic-administrative claim has been filed against it.
Economic-administrative claim: one month from the day following notification of the contested measure or from the date on which the proceedings or the prior motion for reversal are resolved. It will be addressed to the administrative body that issued the challengeable act.
Information related to electronic processing
Identification system
Electronic ID, Electronic Certificate, PIN Code
Level of interactivity
Level 4: Electronic processing
Basic Regulations
Ley 7/2022, de 8 de abril,
de residuos y suelos contaminados para una economía circular (BOE 9-abril-2022)
Orden HFP/1337/2022, de 28 de diciembre,
por la que se aprueba el modelo 593 "Impuesto sobre el depósito de residuos en vertederos, la incineración y la coincineración de residuos. Autoliquidación", se establece la forma y procedimiento para su presentación, se regula la inscripción en el Registro territorial de los obligados tributarios por el Impuesto sobre el depósito de residuos en vertederos, la incineración y la coincineración de residuos y se aprueba el modelo de tarjeta de inscripción.