Model A23. Tax on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. Request for refund.
General Details
Model A23. Tax on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. Request for refund.
Procedure type
Importers and purchasers referred to in number 1 of section fifteen of article 5 of Law 16/2013, of October 29, may request a refund of the amount of tax paid by submitting form A23
Responsible body
State Revenue Office
General information about the procedure
Start form
Applicant: Citizen - Company
Place for presentation
Online, at the Tax Agency eOffice
Phases of the procedure/service
Form A23 must be submitted electronically via the Internet, in accordance with the provisions of articles 2.a), 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 18, 19.a), 20 and 21 of Order HAP/2194/2013, of 22 November, regulating the procedures and general conditions for the submission of certain self-assessments, information returns, census returns, communications and requests for tax refunds.
Resolution deadline
6 months
Resolution body
State Revenue Office
Replacement: Term. One month. On a discretionary basis, before the office from which the administrative act to be appealed comes, stating that no economic-administrative claim has been filed against it.
Economic-administrative claim. Term: One month from the day following the notification of the disputed claim or that on which the procedure or the previous appeal is deemed rejected. It will be addressed to the administrative body that issued the challengeable act. Filing will be mandatory through the AEAT Electronic Office when claimants are required to receive communications and notifications by electronic means.
Information related to electronic processing
Identification system
Electronic ID, Electronic Certificate, PIN Code
Level of interactivity
Level 4: Electronic processing
Basic Regulations
Order HFP/826/2022, of August 30,by which model 587 "Tax on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases" is approved. Self-assessment" and form A23 "Tax on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases. Return request", the form and procedure for their presentation are determined, and the registration in the Territorial Registry and the keeping of stock accounting are regulated (BOE, August 31, 2022)