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Form 035. Census Registry of special regimes applicable to the provision of services, distance sales of goods and certain domestic deliveries

General Details


Form 035. Census Registry of special regimes applicable to the provision of services, distance sales of goods and certain domestic deliveries

Procedure type

Records and censuses




Procedure to manage registration in the OSS system (One-Stop Shop, European VAT Single Window for cross-border sales).

Responsible body

State Revenue Office

General information about the procedure

Start form


Applicant: Company

Place for presentation



It is necessary to specify the Tax Identification Number in Spain of the taxpayer who is going to register, modify data or request deregistration from the system.

Phases of the procedure/service

Start: Filing Form 035

Procedure: The Administration may verify the veracity of the data provided by the interested party in his/her declaration.

End: communication of the agreement by electronic means to the interested party.


Electronic processing

Resolution deadline

1 Month/s

Resolution body

State Tax Administration Agency


Replacement: within one month and on an optional basis, before the Office from which the administrative act to be appealed originates, stating that no economic-administrative claim has been filed against it.

Economic-administrative claim: within one month from the day following notification of the contested act or the day on which the procedure or prior appeal for reconsideration may be deemed to have been resolved. It will be addressed to the administrative body that issued the challengeable act.

Information related to electronic processing

Identification system

Electronic ID, Electronic Certificate, PIN Code

Level of interactivity

Level 4: Electronic processing


Basic Regulations

  • Real Decreto 1624/1992, de 29 de diciembre,

    por el que se aprueba el Reglamento del Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido (BOE, 31-diciembre-1992)

  • Orden HAC/611/2021, de 16 de junio,

    por la que se aprueba el formulario 035 "Declaración de inicio, modificación o cese de operaciones comprendidas en los regímenes especiales aplicables a los sujetos pasivos que presten servicios a personas que no tengan la condición de sujetos pasivos o que realicen ventas a distancia de bienes o determinadas entregas nacionales de bienes" y se determinan la forma y procedimiento para su presentación (BOE 18-junio-2021).

Processing regulations

Order HAC/611/2021, of June 16,

approving form 035 "Declaration of initiation, modification or cessation of operations included in the special regimes applicable to taxable persons who provide services to persons who do not have the status of taxable persons or who carry out distance sales of goods or certain national deliveries of goods" and the form and procedure for their presentation are determined (BOE June 18, 2021).

Regulations approving the inclusion of the procedure or service in the registry

Order HAC/611/2021, of June 16,

approving form 035 "Declaration of initiation, modification or cessation of operations included in the special regimes applicable to taxable persons who provide services to persons who do not have the status of taxable persons or who carry out distance sales of goods or certain national deliveries of goods" and the form and procedure for their presentation are determined (BOE June 18, 2021).