Authorization for cooperative entities to take stakes in non-cooperative entities in percentages greater than 40%
General Details
Authorization for cooperative entities to take stakes in non-cooperative entities in percentages greater than 40%
Procedure type
Authorisations, permits, concessions and approvals
Article 13 of Law 20/1990 regulates the causes of loss of the status of a fiscally protected cooperative and includes among them, in section 9, the case of the acquisition of shares in non-cooperative entities in an amount greater than 10 percent of their capital. Exceptionally, it is possible to acquire larger shares, which, when they exceed 40 percent, must be authorized by the Ministry of Finance, provided that it is justified that such participation "contributes to the better fulfillment of the cooperative social purposes and does not constitute a violation of the fundamental principles of action of these entities."
Responsible body
State Revenue Office
General information about the procedure
Start form
Applicant: Company
Place for presentation
Request by the taxpayer, justifying the origin of the request.
Phases of the procedure/service
Start: request by the taxpayer.
Procedure: request for rectification/Proposed resolution and hearing procedure.
End: resolution accepting or denying the request.
Resolution deadline
6 months
Resolution body
State Revenue Office
Sponsored links: within 2 months, in accordance with article 46 of Law 29/1998, of July 13, regulating the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction.
Information related to electronic processing
Identification system
Electronic certificate
Level of interactivity
Level 4: Electronic processing
Basic Regulations
Artículo 13, 9 de la Ley 20/1990,
de 19 de diciembre, sobre Régimen Fiscal de las Cooperativas (BOE 20-diciembre- 1990).
Ley 27/2014, de 27 de noviembre,
del Impuesto sobre Sociedades (BOE 28-noviembre-2014).
Processing regulations
Resolution of December 28, 2009, of the Presidency of the State Tax Administration Agency,creating the e-portal and regulating the electronic registers of the Tax Agency (Official State Gazette, 29 December 2009).
Regulations approving the inclusion of the procedure or service in the registry
Resolution of December 28, 2009, of the Presidency of the State Tax Administration Agency,creating the e-portal and regulating the electronic registers of the Tax Agency (Official State Gazette, 29 December 2009).