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Economic-administrative appeal against Collection decisions

General Details


Economic-administrative appeal against Collection decisions

Procedure type





Review procedure resolved by the Economic Courts – Administrative, independent bodies of the State Tax Administration Agency. The economic-administrative appeal application shall be received, in the first or sole instance, by the Tax Agency authority that handed down the challenged decision; said authority shall send it within a period of one month, together with the case file and, optionally, a report. If the appeal also includes the allegations, the body that issued the act may partially or totally annul the contested act within a period of one month to send the file to the Economic Court. – Administrative.

Responsible body

State Revenue Office

General information about the procedure

Start form


Applicant: Citizen - Company

Place for presentation


AEAT offices

Post Offices

Other places contemplated in article 16 of Law 39/2015.


The appeal application must include a copy of the challenged decision, as well as any evidence considered relevant.

Phases of the procedure/service

Start: Filing of the claim with the body that made the decision. When the claim includes declarations, this body may annul the administrative decision before sending the case to the court.

Procedure: Sending the case and the appeal to the Economic Administrative Court and the court resolution procedure. The Economic-Administrative Courts will notify the interested party within the deadline of one month so that the party may, within this deadline, present an application with declarations (if no declarations were formulated in the appeal application) in addition to relevant evidence. The Economic-Administrative Courts can request a report from the authority that handed down the challenged decision. Witnesses, experts and declarations by the parties pertaining to the relevant facts will be heard.

End: Due to waiving the right on which the claim is based; the abandonment of the petition or application; the expiry of the application; an out-of-court settlement of the claim; or a resolution handed down by the competent Economic-Administrative Court, which may accept, reject or declare the claim inadmissible.


Electronic processing

Resolution deadline

1 year

Resolution body

Economic-administrative courts


Optional appeal for annulment in the exclusive cases provided for by law (article 241 bis of Law 58/2003, General Tax Law), before the same economic administrative body within 15 days from notification. Prior to the ordinary appeal.

Ordinary appeal against resolutions handed down in first instance, lodged with the Central Economic-Administrative Court within a period of one month as from the day following that of notification of the resolutions (Article 241, Law 58/2003 (Ley 58/2003), General Tax Act).

Extraordinary appeal for review within a period of three months against the final decisions of the tax administration and against the final resolutions of economic-administrative bodies in the event of any of the circumstances established in Article 244 of Law 58/2003 (Ley 58/2003).

Judicial review appeal within a period of two months pursuant to Article 46 of Law 29/1998 of 13 July, regulating Judicial Review Jurisdiction.

Information related to electronic processing

Identification system

Electronic ID, Electronic Certificate, PIN Code

Level of interactivity

Level 4: Electronic processing


Basic Regulations

Processing regulations

Order EHA/2784/2009, of October 8,

regulating the electronic filing of judicial review claims and partially developing the sixteenth additional provision of the General Tax Act 58/2003, of 17 December, on the use of electronic, IT and telematic means in judicial review claims. (BOE October 16, 2009)