Social collaboration and Codes of Best Tax Practices
General Details
Social collaboration and Codes of Best Tax Practices
Procedure type
Encourage taxpayers to comply with their tax obligations by allowing third parties to file tax returns and other tax documents online (requests for tax certificates, filing appeals, requests for deferral and installment payments of debts)
Responsible body
State Revenue Office
General information about the procedure
Start form
Applicant: Company - Citizen
Place for presentation
AEAT offices.
Post mail.
Request for signature of collaboration agreement.
Phases of the procedure/service
Start: Entities interested in signing a collaboration agreement must request it in writing from the Tax Agency.
Procedure: The Tax Agency, in view of the application received, will initiate the necessary procedures for signing the agreement.
Termination. signing of the agreement and subsequent individual adhesion of its members in certain cases. These members may be: · Public administrations. · Entities that have the status of collaborators in tax collection management Institutions and organizations representing social, labor, business or professional sectors and interests. · Persons or entities that carry out economic activities, in relation to the electronic submission of declarations, communications and other tax documents corresponding to the Personal Income Tax of their employees. · Persons or entities that carry out economic activities, when their geographic location or commercial network can help achieve the objectives of the tax administration. · Other persons or entities established by the Minister of Finance
Resolution body
State Revenue Office
Information related to electronic processing
Identification system
Electronic certificate
Level of interactivity
Level 4: Electronic processing
Basic Regulations
Ley 58/2003, de 17 de diciembre,
General Tributaria. Artículo 92. (BOE 18-diciembre-2003)
Real Decreto 1065/2007, de 27 de julio,
por el que se aprueba el Reglamento General de las actuaciones y los procedimientos de gestión e inspección tributaria y de desarrollo de las normas comunes de los procedimientos de aplicación de los tributos. Artículos 79 a 81. (BOE 5-septiembre-2007)
Orden HAC/1398/2003, de 27 de mayo,
por la que se establecen los supuestos y condiciones en que podrá hacerse efectiva la colaboración social en la gestión de los tributos. (BOE 3-junio-2003)