Tax complaint
General Details
Tax complaint
Procedure type
To inform the Tax Authority of facts or situations that may constitute tax violations or have implications for the application of taxes.
Responsible body
State Revenue Office
General information about the procedure
Start form
Applicant: Citizen - Company
Place for presentation
AEAT offices.
Post Offices.
Other places contemplated in article 16 of Law 39/2015
Application from the interested party accompanied by the documentation that he/she considers appropriate.
Phases of the procedure/service
Start: Filing of the complaint by the complainant. Through this complaint, the complainant informs the tax authorities of facts or situations that may constitute tax violations or have implications for the application of taxes.
Procedure: Upon receipt of a complaint, it will be sent to the competent body to carry out the relevant actions.
Termination. - Filing of the complaint when it is considered unfounded or when the facts or persons reported are not sufficiently specified or identified. - Initiation of the appropriate proceedings if there are sufficient indications of veracity in the alleged facts and these are unknown to the tax authorities. In this case, the complaint will not form part of the administrative proceedings. The reporting party will not be considered to be an interested party in any administrative activities initiated as a result of the report, nor will it be informed of their result. Nor will it be entitled to file appeals or claims in relation to the results of such actions.
Resolution body
It does not end by resolution.
Information related to electronic processing
Identification system
Electronic ID, Electronic Certificate, PIN Code
Level of interactivity
Level 4: Electronic processing