(Updated to February 2025)
Technical Questions
Surname(s) and Name or corporate name
(Person to relate to):
Phone – Supports nine digits. However, in the case a very long number (due to foreign country prefixes), it the phone number must be given without taking into account the prefixes.
Surnames and forename
Code for taxpayer status
Code for type of good or right
Sub-code of asset or right
Country code. (Appendix 2 of Order EHA/3496/2011, dated 15 December)
(Address of the organisation/location of the building)
Country code. (Appendix 2 of Order EHA/3496/2011, dated 15 December)
Origin of the asset or right (If it is the first year that it is declared, if it is transferred or if it is declared again due to an increase in the joint values by more than €20,000)
Participation percentage – When it comes to “authorized” this field is NOT mandatory.
Account identification key.
Account code.
Entity identification.
If the origin of the good or right is “A”
Incorporation date.
Rating 1: Balance at 31/12.
Rating 2: Average balance for last quarter.
If the origin of the asset or right is “C”
Incorporation date.
Cancellation date.
Rating 1: Balance on cancellation date.
The date of incorporation is NOT mandatory.
Identification key (only required if the key is "V" or "I").
Value identification (only required if the key is "V" or "I").
Entity identification.
Rating 1.
Value representation key (only required if key is "V" or "I").
Number of values (only required if key is "V" or "I").
Incorporation date.
If the origin of the good or right is “A”
Rating 1: acquisition value.
If the origin of the asset or right is “C”
Broadcast date.
Rating 1: acquisition value.
Rating 2: Transmission value.
Key to type of real estate.
By accessing the submission process, with an electronic certificate or Cl@ve PIN (the latter for submissions corresponding to 2013 and later), and completing the form, there is an option at the bottom called “draft”.
This option displays the PDF that is not valid for submission with all the records of assets and rights declared.
From this PDF that is not valid for submission, you can send/sign/submit the declaration directly.
Yes, on the same screen that appears when accessing “electronic submission”, we have the option to “provide additional documentation”.