INE, Tax Agency, Social Security and Bank of Spain agree to start working together on to develop a system to access their databases for scientific purposes of public interest
Efficient management of information contained in databases is a basic activity for developing a large part of the main functions of the States, particularly with regard to decision-making for designing and implementing evidence-based public policies. Moreover, it is widely recognised that data-driven scientific research at all levels makes a significant contribution to economic and social development.
The existence of numerous administrative registers and statistical databases, as well as the evolution of technologies that allow for their management, have led to the availability of large amounts of information in all fields, which can be used for the benefit of society, through their exploitation for scientific purposes. The very existence of this wealth of information has led to an increase in demand from researchers, which is being met, in part, by the information access systems available in some institutions.
In this regard, the National Statistics Institute (INE), the Tax Agency (AEAT), the Social Security and the Bank of Spain (BE), as holders of a significant amount of administrative information and granular data collected for statistical purposes, have agreed to start working together on the design of a collaborative data system to which researchers will have access, provided that the information is to be used for scientific purposes in the public interest. In addition, they will promote the future incorporation of other institutions holding administrative registers or other granular databases of research interest.
This new system is conceived as a joint initiative of the four institutions and, in this sense, will not eliminate the current procedures that each of them currently has in place to provide tailor-made information to researchers.
Confidentiality and protection of personal data
The agreement reached between the four institutions will meet multiple needs of researchers and scientists in the public interest by exploiting the information contained in their registers and databases. The exploitation of this information will be carried out in accordance with the rules guaranteeing statistical confidentiality, data confidentiality and the protection of personal data contained in these databases.
Given that Spanish and European legislation on statistics, as well as the European Statistics Code of Practice, assign INE a significant role in the use and management of administrative registers for statistical purposes, the four institutions agree that INE will coordinate this joint access system. This coordinating role, similar to that implemented in other developed countries, allows for the rationalisation and saving of public resources, given that INE is already carrying out similar tasks in its statistical production.
The system will have a Governance Committee, with the participation of the four institutions, whose mission will be to delimit the databases to be made available to researchers, to approve requests for access for the different purposes envisaged, to collaborate with the other institutions that make their databases available and, in general, to oversee the proper functioning of the system, always in accordance with the principles of good management, rationality and proportionality.
Furthermore, to facilitate access to the different users, a Remote Secure Access Technical System to the different registers and databases will be built to complement the secure access procedures currently available in the laboratories or dedicated spaces of the four institutions.
Go to the information
The information to which users may be given access for scientific purposes of public interest is that of the micro databases owned by the INE, the AEAT, the Social Security and the BE, with the necessary guarantees of security, statistical secrecy, protection of personal data and submission to the Law in force.
In addition to the statistical databases from its surveys, INE may also provide access to administrative registers, both those compiled or coordinated by INE and those under other ownership but which INE uses to compile its statistics (in the latter case consulting all requests for access with the holders of the corresponding registers).
Access to researchers for scientific purposes in the public interest must be legally supported. Thus, the four institutions agree to continue working to adapt the specific legislative and legal framework of each institution to meet this objective. In addition, the agreement will have to be set out in a collaboration agreement.