With effect from April 15, 2023, the Tax Agency is making deferrals more flexible to facilitate taxpayers' liquidity
Along with Order HFP/311/2023, of March 28 (BOE 31-03-2023), two Instructions have been issued:
Instruction 1/2023, of March 31, of the Director of the Collection Department of the State Tax Administration Agency on the necessary guarantees for the granting of deferrals and payment installments, and to obtain the suspension of administrative acts subject to appeal and claim
Instruction 2/2023, of April 3, of the Director of the Collection Department of the State Tax Administration Agency, on management of deferrals and payment installments
Both instructions, which will come into force on April 15, 2023, will allow for greater flexibility in the payment of debts through the figure of deferrals and payment installments to those citizens who need it, as well as in the establishment of guarantees. Other measures include the following:
Increase in granting periods
Automated processing of deferrals of up to 50,000 euros, the processing and granting of which can be carried out in a matter of seconds
Wide range of possibilities to establish guarantees for deferrals or installments of more than 50,000 euros that require the establishment of guarantees
- Orden HFP/311/2023, de 28 de marzo,
por la que se eleva el límite exento de la obligación de aportar garantía en las solicitudes de aplazamiento o fraccionamiento a 50.000 euros.
- Instruction 1/2023, of March 31, (516 KB - pdf )
of the Director of the Collection Department of the State Tax Administration Agency, on the management of payment deferrals and instalments, and to obtain the lifting of administrative acts subject to appeal and complaint.
- Instruction 2/2023, of April 3, (694 KB - pdf )
of the Director of the Collection Department of the State Tax Administration Agency, on the management of payment deferrals and instalments.