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New taxes and changes to tax regulations

Law 7/2024, of December 20, was published in the BOE of December 21, establishing a Complementary Tax to guarantee a minimum global level of taxation for multinational groups and large national groups, a Tax on the interest margin and commissions of certain financial entities and a Tax on liquids for electronic cigarettes and other tobacco-related products, and amending other tax regulations.

This rule establishes three new taxes:

  • Complementary Tax.

  • Tax on the interest margin and commissions of certain financial institutions.

  • Tax on e-cigarette liquids and other tobacco-related products.

On the other hand, specific sections of the Personal Income Tax, VAT, Corporate Tax and Special Tax Laws are modified.

  • Main tax changes introduced by Law 7/2024, of December 20 (204 KB - pdf )
  • Ley 7/2024, de 20 de diciembre,

    por la que se establecen un Impuesto Complementario para garantizar un nivel mínimo global de imposición para los grupos multinacionales y los grupos nacionales de gran magnitud, un Impuesto sobre el margen de intereses y comisiones de determinadas entidades financieras y un Impuesto sobre los líquidos para cigarrillos electrónicos y otros productos relacionados con el tabaco, y se modifican otras normas tributarias.