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Specific validation of clearance authorizations in the export declaration system

Starting on Monday, May 29 at 2:30 p.m., the specific validation of Clearance Authorizations will be launched in the export declaration system as specified on page 103 of the web services technical guide.

In summary,

  • To indicate that the declarant/representative has a clearance authorization for an operation WITH electronic registration, he/she must indicate code 1005 and the reference 'OCRE' in the 'Documents presented' group
  • To indicate that the declarant/representative has a clearance authorization for an operation WITHOUT electronic registration, he/she must indicate code 1005 and the reference 'OSRE' in the 'Documents presented' group.
  • To indicate that the declarant/representative has a GLOBAL clearance authorization, you should not indicate code 1005 in the 'Submitted Documents' group.