Customs News
View historySince February 18, goods affected by the SNM, VIM and TST measures are subject to manual clearance. This is because the European Commission has brought forward the date on which it replaced the CHEDD in TRACES NT with the new NOA certificate (Notification of Arrival – NOA) to 18 February, even though the date provided for in the European Single Window Regulation for the entry into operation of CERTEX is 3 March 2025.
Customs and Tax Information Technology Departments are working on the necessary developments to return to automatic clearance through the Customs Single Window (VUA) as soon as possible. Information will be in due course regarding the completion of these developments.
By which NI GA 01/2024 of January 30, regarding the exemption from anti-dumping duties applicable to the import of essential bicycle parts originating in China provided for in Regulation (EC) No 88/97 of the European Commission, is replaced
Which replaces Information Note 13/2024 of May 30, on the destruction of merchandise that infringes intellectual property rights pursuant to Regulation ( EU) No. 608/2013
on the model of a surety bond certificate to guarantee payment of customs and tax debt.
As of 02/15/2025, the importer's responsible declaration (certificate 1415) will be accepted when the customs value of imported unroasted and undecaffeinated coffee (NC 0901 11 00) is less than €150.
From February 19, the request for control of imports of organic products from third countries (Measure TARIC 750 - organ - Control of imports of organic products) will be mandatory through the PUE-ECOS, which offers two systems for the telematic management of requests by operators.
Revision 1.17 of the AES Export Declaration Web Services Guide for the exchange of information between Operators and Customs in the new AES (Automated Export System) is published. This guide contains the messages of the external domain (communication between the Economic Operator and the Tax Agency) of the national component of the Automated Export Declaration System AES, as well as the adaptations that may be necessary to improve the National Export Systems in line with the Union Customs Code (UCC).
From 1 April 2025, road hauliers will be required to provide data on goods shipped to or through the EU prior to their arrival, via a complete ENS. This obligation also affects postal and express carriers who transport goods using these modes of transport, as well as other parties, such as logistics providers. In certain circumstances, final recipients established in the EU will also be required to submit ENS data to ICS2.
During the 126th Customs Code Committee – General Legislation meeting held on Friday 7 February 2025, Member States voted on the new revision of the "Implementing Regulation on the technical provisions for developing, maintaining and using electronic systems for the exchange and storage of information pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council" (IRTA).
Pursuant to the revised Article 56 of that Regulation, the transitional measures for AES , including the converter, will be extended until 14 December 2025.
The Commission would like to call on all Member States and economic operators to take action to adapt their systems to the new AES TP end date of December 2025.
See also the communication published on the Europa website:
Extension of the Transition period to the Automated Export System (AES) - European Commission.
on operators carrying out activities in free zones.