2024 Customs News
Modification of the news of 28/11/2024 on import declarations
The entry into force of the Validations referring to the import declaration PreCau and CAU contained in the news dated 28/11/2024 is postponed to 01/04/2025.
Revision 3 of the Export Declaration Status Consultation Web Service Guide "ConsAutV2" is published. This guide includes an old web service that has the functionality of informing the holders of said export, based on an MRN export declaration, of the status in which it was located and its customs office of exit.
In this new revision 3 the EndPoint URL is changed. The obsolete endpoint has been replaced
(https://www1.agenciatributaria.gob.es/L/inwinvoc/es.aeat.adex.jdit.ws.consaut.ConsAutV2SOAP) by new (https://www1.agenciatributaria.gob.es/wlpl/ADEX-JDIT/ws/ConsAutV2SOAP).
It is also reported that this web service will no longer be available on May 6, 2025.
The end date of availability of the Export Declaration Status Consultation Web Service "ConsAutV2" is hereby announced. This old web service has the functionality of informing the holders of said export of the status in which it is located and its customs office of exit, based on an MRN export declaration.
This web service will no longer be available on May 6, 2025, because it is replaced by the existing web service "Complete Export Declaration Consultation, (CCAESC), which is explained in the technical guide of web services of the AES export system.
The European Commission reminds economic operators of the need to strictly comply with the ICS2 submission instructions to ensure compliance with legal requirements and avoid potential delays and penalties. To achieve this, it is essential that the ENS files provide accurate and complete data for each submission at both the master and house level.
New versions of the G3v2 (version 2.5) and G4 (version 0.10) technical guides have been published for the declaration of temporary storage and presentation of goods to customs.
Modification of the following technical documentation of the import declaration adapted to CAU .
- CAU Import Technical Guide V3.8.
- CAU Import Query Technical Guide V3.0
They can be seen at:
Tax Agency: Technical guides - Presentation of the SAD (Single Administrative Document)
A new form of communication between operators and export clearance agents will be available from 17 December. This new form of electronic interaction allows representatives and declarants to report on those circumstances that, related to the issuance of declarations, fall outside the ordinary procedure.
New versions of the G3v2 (version 2.4) and G4 (version 0.9) technical guides have been published for the declaration of temporary storage and presentation of goods to customs.
On December 17th at 12 noon there will be a webinar where we will try to analyze:
- The situation as of January 21, 2025 in the transit system in phase NCTS P5 with final data.
- The treatment of any possible incidents that may arise.
Questions you wish to raise during the seminar should be sent by December 15 to the following email address: NCTSP5.info@correo.aeat.es
Although the end of the transitional period of the AES system for all Member States of the Union was set for 11 February 2025, due to delays in the implementation of this system by some countries, the Commission has proposed to postpone this end.
Informative Note 22/2024 of December 4 from the Department of Customs and Excise, on container identification in exports with indirect exit.
In order to correctly identify the container with which merchandise declared for export at another customs office enters an exit customs area, it has been considered appropriate to recall the procedure to be followed at said customs office.
To prevent certain goods that do not require a phytosanitary certificate (such as bananas from the Canary Islands) affected by the new measure AGR from being left uncleared during the holidays in the customs premises of Barcelona, a new certificate code has been registered to be declared in box 44 of DUA .
Modification of technical documentation of the import declaration adapted to the UCC.
As of today, December 2, the Single Entry Point of the Customs Single Window (PUE-ECO) and forms will be available in the Electronic Office for the request for control of imports of organic products from third countries (Measure TARIC 750-organ - Control of imports of organic products).
Modification of the following technical documentation of the import declaration adapted to the UCC.
CAU V3.9 Additional Import Information.
A new version 0.6 of the technical guide for I2 notification of presentation of goods by holders of registration in the declarant's records has been published.
The main new features are:
- New status communication services and do not lift by Inbox.
- Adaptation of existing web services to the European Central Office (ECO).
- Renamed web query services.
- In the successful notification response ( CC433R ), admission data is included in message CC457R and removed from the ACK section.
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New codes for II. EE. are created in the state administration - AEAT - and other coherence considerations
between documents 5004, 5016 of the corresponding box in terms of their existence as number CAE and their coherence with the declared II.EE. indicator. Modifications to be considered in the preCau import declaration and CAU as of 01/01/2025 at 00:00.
We remind you of the cessation of the validity of the tax rates on Value Added Tax , introduced by the publication of Royal Decree-Law 4/2024, of June 26, which extends certain measures to address the economic and social consequences derived from the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East and adopts urgent measures in fiscal, energy and social matters. In addition, new tax rate for olive oil, which is now taxed at 4% .
On December 11, 2024, at 08:00 a.m., the Tax Agency will proceed to adapt the cryptographic algorithms of the sub-office " www1.agenciatributaria.gob.es " according to the criteria indicated in the following link Tax Agency: Validation of the headquarters certificate . The remaining sub-venues have already had the appropriate configuration since November 15, 2023. The new configuration can be tested at the test sub-site https://preportal.aeat.es .
The cryptographic protocols and algorithms allowed for access to www1.agenciatributaria.gob.es will be:
TLS 1.2
Please review your installations that act as clients of customs and excise web services, accessing from the Internet, to ensure that they are correctly updated and configured to work with these protocols.
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On 10/01/2024, the pilot project for the establishment of the controls of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) was launched in , as set out in Order PJC/756/2024, of July 22, which delimits the actions to be carried out in the official border control services functionally dependent on the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Ministry of Health. (boe.es) . From November 27 this pilot project will be extended to the customs premises of Barcelona and will also include Chapter 9 of the Tariff.
Therefore, the new measure TARIC will apply:
AGR - Border Control MAP
It will affect cap 07, 08 and 09 in release for free circulation through the Single Customs Window and introduction through filters.
Document for box 44 of DUA :
1419 - MAPA Not suitable for Hygiene
This document will be used to certify the rejection that the MAPA will make not for phytosanitary reasons but for hygiene reasons (public health). In these cases they cannot issue a CHED-PP "Not suitable" nor a "Not applicable" because, although phytosanitary control is not applicable, the release must be suspended because the merchandise is not suitable for human consumption.
A basic guide to accessing the STI-STP of the Generic Trader Portal for ICS2 is published in the Related Content section regarding Summary Declarations. The ENS and EXS .
This guide describes the process of accessing the STI-STP and the different options for using this portal to declare the ICS2 ENS through it.
Along with this guide, in the same section, a compressed file is published with example messages from the ICS2 maritime sector that can serve as a reference for declaring the ENS through the STI-STP.
Technical documentation that has changed in the import declaration adapted to the UCC
Modification of the following technical documentation of the import declaration adapted to CAU:
- CAU Import Technical Guide V3.7.
- CAU Import Query Technical Guide V2.6
They can be seen at:
Tax Agency: Technical guides - Presentation of the SAD (Single Administrative Document)
Information Note 21/2024 of November 11, 2024 of the Department of Customs and Excise, on the application of traditional trade rules under the specific supply regime (REA) within the framework of the program of specific options for remoteness and insularity (POSEI), in accordance with Regulation ( EU ) No. 228/2013 and Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 180/2014
Technical documentation that has changed in the import declaration adapted to the UCC
Additional Information Import CAU V3.8. Offprints.
They can be seen at:
Tax Agency: Technical guides - Presentation of the SAD (Single Administrative Document)
Web Services (agenciatributaria.gob.es)
Starting tomorrow at 09:00.
Technical documentation that has changed in the import declaration adapted to the UCC
- Technical import guide adapted to CAU V3.6.
- Rules and conditions adjusted to EUCDM and Spanish Customs V3.6.
- CAU V2.5 Technical Import Consultation Guide.
They can be seen at:
Tax Agency: Technical guides - Presentation of the SAD (Single Administrative Document)
The AEAT modernizes its non-intrusive inspection system for more efficient and sustainable customs control through the Customs Control Equipment Instrument (CCEI) of the European Commission.
Due to maintenance operations, the Electronic Office of the Tax Agency will be interrupted next Sunday, October 27 between 02:30 hours (summer time) and 03:30 hours (winter time).
Please excuse any inconvenience.
In order to address all the issues raised in relation to the system for indirect registration of proof of Union customs status, in order to be able to date the temporary storage declaration electronically, a series of improvements have been incorporated into the T2L indirect registration web form.
A new version of the technical guide for G5v2 (version 2.4) is published, for the notification of movements of goods in temporary storage declared in a G4 , in which, at the request of operators, data is provided for pre-production tests of mode MDP-M of G5G / G5S and an annex is added with the restrictions applied to modes MDM and MDC .
G5G and G5S notifications are available in Preproduction since 15/10/2024 and will go into Production on 03/03/2025.
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Import SAD : Validations under the requested regime 07 49 in locations on the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands
From 22 10 2024 at 08:00, the following validations will be carried out within the scope of the AEAT .
For requested regime = 07, 49 and for premises of the location that do not start with 35, 38
- You cannot simultaneously declare a 1500 with deposit authorization and also a 5004 in box 44.
- If a 5004 is declared: the character of II.EE. It must be S. And vice versa.
- If 5004 is not declared: a 1500+ESDDA* (non-customs warehouse authorization) must be declared.
5004: Activity and establishment code. 1500 Authorization number for a warehouse other than customs or REF warehouse.
It is announced that from today 10/15/2024, testing is open in the Preproduction environment for the new notifications G5G and G5S . Both notifications are part of version 2 of G5 and will allow the movement of goods declared in temporary storage through the new declarations G4 .
G5G notifications are an evolution of the current G5v1 notifications for DSDT , adapted to G4 declarations, while G5S notifications are a simplified version, with behavior and restrictions similar to those of the current CUB for DSDT, but adapted to G4 declarations.
A new version 2.3 of the G5v2 technical guide is also published, which provides details to help with pre-production testing, updates lists of error codes and warnings, and establishes certain limitations: functional to G5G dating and techniques to the maximum number of occurrences of certain xml elements.
G5G and G5S notifications will go into Production on 03/03/2025.
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As of October 14, 2024 , the new electronic sealing system is established for residents of the autonomous city of Ceuta who make purchases in the Peninsula or the Balearic Islands and from that moment on, manual sealing (rubber stamp) upon entry into this territory is eliminated.
The Web Services Technical Guide has been updated to version 2.16 to incorporate these changes.
Version 2.16 of the Web Services Technical Guide is published - DIVA . Adaptations to the new electronic sealing system are included for residents of the autonomous city of Ceuta who make purchases on the Peninsula or the Balearic Islands.
When it was reported in the Headquarters news of September 17 that the DIVA system was being adapted to the new types, the DIVA technical guide was updated accordingly.
In the guide you can see that the format for the type VAT now supports a decimal. In addition, it is indicated that the scheme needs to be updated. Please note that in DIVA the correct form would be 7.5 (with a comma and a single decimal, as indicated in the diagram pattern).
Tax Agency: Adaptation of the DIVA system to the new tax rates .
Revision 2.5 of the T2L Guide adapted to CAU is published, in which the indirect registration XSD schema CCIEP01INDV1Ent.xsd is corrected to solve an error in the service URL.
The web service guide for querying an import declaration in the response message has been modified so that
the document number (reference number) supports the optionality of reporting such data element.
At the same time, the service scheme is also being modified.
The European Commission has published a new format for accompanying documents for transit declarations (DAT) and export declarations (DAE), adapted to the Union Customs Code.
On October 1, 2024, the Customs Single Window for the management of requests for security control of industrial products will close ( RD 330/2008; Certificate 1310), so from that moment on all requests for security control of industrial products (RD 330/2008, COM Measure, certificate 1235) must be managed through the COM Single Entry Point. Certificates 1310 issued by the Inspection Service SOIVRE before October 1 will remain valid for declaration in box 44 of the SADfor the duration of their validity period.
As of next October , Order PJC/756/2024, of July 22, which delimits the actions to be carried out in the official border control services functionally dependent on the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Ministry of Health, comes into force. (boe.es) , a new measure TARIC has been registered.
The DIVA system has been adapted to accept decimals that include the new tax rates in their digits. Tests can be carried out from 23 September 2024 to verify its correct operation.
Operators are reminded that once the transit declaration has been issued at the customs office of departure, it cannot be rectified.
In the event of an error affecting the nature of the operation and which must be corrected, operators have the option of requesting the customs office of departure, through the electronic registry, to invalidate said declaration, in order to present the correct one.
The Department of Customs and Excise (DAIIEE) is strengthening the equipment of the Customs Laboratories in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Seville through the Customs Control Equipment Instrument (CCEI) of the European Commission.
As of 05/08/2024, simplified declarations of type B and E - Simplified declaration without SDE authorization can be filed.
With the entry into force of REGULATION ( EU ) No 2024/573 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 February 2024 on fluorinated greenhouse gases amending Directive 2019/1937 and repealing Regulation 517/2014, the existing measures for the control of the IMPORT, EXPORT, INTRODUCTION, production, supply and subsequent use of fluorinated greenhouse gases and of products and equipment containing such gases or whose operation depends on such gases have been updated.
The presentations of the webinar operators notification of presentation of goods in the registration in the declarant records (I2) held on July 18 are published and will be available in the help section related to EIR Declarant Registry included in the simplified procedures section of the customs portal in the electronic headquarters.
Revision 1.14 of the Web Services Transit Guide for the exchange of information between Operators and Customs in the new NCTS5 System (New Computerized Transit System Phase 5) is published. This guide contains the messages of the external domain (communication between the Economic Operator and the Tax Agency) of the national component of the Automated Transit Declaration System (NCTS5), as well as the adaptations that may be necessary to improve the National Transit Systems in line with the Union Customs Code (UCC).
This new revision changes certain messaging rules for the final period, and reminds us of the need to test the validations for the final period that will come into effect on January 21, 2025 at 00:00:00.
In recent weeks, we have been informed by both operators and other member states that, having been visaed and/or registered in Spain T2L/F, said documents could not be used in another country because they were not in the database of the central system POUS . And in all the cases analysed this was due to the fact that the declarant in his/her visa and/or registration application marked the national indicator (NationalOnlyRequest label) with the value 1 (Yes).
A new version of the G5v2 technical guide (version 2.2) has been published for the notification of movements of goods in temporary storage declared in a G4, with correction of errors in diagrams and updating of various conditions, rules and code lists.
Notifications included in G5v2 (G5G and G5S) are expected to enter testing in the Pre-Production environment in early October.
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Following a request from Indonesia and Sri Lanka to benefit from regional cumulation provided for in Article 55(5) of Commission Delegated Regulation ( EU ) 2015/2446, the Commission has decided to authorise this possibility of cumulation.
Webinar on notification of presentation of goods in the registration in the declarant's records (I2)
A webinar will be held on July 18, 2024 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. to inform about the changes and developments in the procedure for registering in the declarant records (I2) within the new import system (H1).
Previous regime in AES 40 by 49
Since from 01/01/2024, regime 49 is not admissible as a previous regime in export declarations, it must be replaced in them by code 40.
Pending the adoption of a Decision of the EU-Turkey Customs Cooperation Committee, the customs administrations of the Member States of the EU will begin to accept A.TR movement certificates issued electronically when presented for import, with a QR code and without a signature in wet ink as of July 8, 2024.
The authenticity of A.TR goods movement certificates issued electronically by Turkey can be verified at the unique link on each goods movement certificate, starting with '' https://mdc.gtb.gov.tr '', '' https://uygulama.gtb.gov.tr '', '' https://istanbul.ebirlik.net/'' or '' https://ankara.ebirlik.net/dolasim/app'' (accessible by scanning the QR code on the certificate or by typing the route printed on the certificate).
The presentations of the Webinar for operators on the new import system (H1) held on June 18 are published and will be available in the help section related to: "Importation. Release for free circulation".
In the case of products subject to excise duties that are the subject of an export declaration, and that, once the accrual has occurred, the exporter requests the refund of the excise duties on manufacturing, the declarant must state in the declaration whether the quotas whose refund is sought have been borne within or outside the internal territorial scope contemplated in article 3 of law 38/1992 on excise duties.
On June 18, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., a webinar will be held to provide information on the new features of the new import system that will go into production on the dates contained in the new feature "H1 publication of technical documentation and calendar" published on June 4, starting on June 25, 2024 with the entry into production of declarations A, D, V, and Z.
New validation from June 4 for transit shipments from private locations (replaces the new release published on May 27)
Starting June 4, the AEAT computer system will perform the following validations to accept transit dispatch declarations from private locations:
- It will be necessary to declare a type C521 authorization (ACR - Authorized Consignor Status for the Purpose of Transit of the Union) whose holder is the one listed as Obligated in the transit declaration.
- The declared ACR authorization must contain in box 4.15 (Customs of departure) the customs of departure of the transit declaration.
- As a general rule, it will be necessary to declare a type C523 authorisation (SSE - Use of special type seals) and also declare some seal, unless the literal "WITHOUT SEALS" appears in box XX/1 (Identification measures) of authorisation C521 (ACR).
- However, in the event that any alternative identification measures to sealing apply, transit declarations in which the seal number is not included will not be rejected, but the declaration may be subject to control in order to verify that the seals are exempt from being required.
Therefore, it is necessary for transit dispatch operators from private locations to have their ACR and SSE (if applicable) authorizations in place by that date. If you do not currently have the authorization, or if it does not comply with the requirements of customs or seals that will be mandatory on June 4, you must request the authorization or request a modification to it.
Version 4.11 of the technical guide for declarations EXS , Re-exportation and Re-shipment notifications, is published, in which new validations are introduced on the previous documents T2L .
These validations will come into effect on July 23, 2024.
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Technical documentation that has changed:
- Import declaration:
- Technical import guide adapted to CAU V3.4.
- CAU Import Consultation Service Technical Guide V2.4
- Additional information on CAU V3.6 import
- Rules and conditions adjusted to EUCDM and Spanish Customs V3.4
- Import scenarios adapted to the UCC. V3.1.
- Web Service Guide for Document Submission V 1.5
- Notification of registration of goods in the operator's registry:
- Notification of registration of goods in the operator's registry V0.5
- Rules and conditions V 0.2
Each document details, in its version, the variation that has occurred.
It can also be viewed at Web Services (agenciatributaria.gob.es)
Revision 1.13 of the Web Services Transit Guide for the exchange of information between Operators and Customs in the new NCTS5 (New Computerized Transit System Phase 5) is published. This guide contains the messages of the external domain (communication between the Economic Operator and the Tax Agency) of the national component of the Automated Transit Declaration System (NCTS5), as well as the adaptations that may be necessary to improve the National Transit Systems in line with the Union Customs Code (UCC).
This new revision adds, among other new features, an explanation of validations on C521 and C523 type authorizations for June 4.
New information regarding the deployment window for the transition to the ICS2 system, in the maritime, road and rail sectors
The Commission has allowed operators to benefit from a deployment window for the transition to the ICS2 system, phase 3.
Release 3 comes into force on 3 June, the different dates of the deployment windows for each economic operator are attached.
Some economic operators may not be ready to start the presentation of the ENS with Phase 3 of ICS2, on their respective operational entry date:
- June 3, 2024: maritime carriers.
- December 4, 2024: operators that send information to house level in maritime traffic.
- April 1, 2025: road and rail transporters.
Regarding Ro-Ro traffic, Combined Transport, both accompanied and unaccompanied, they are allowed to request the window of April 1, 2025.
Please see Information Note 18/2024 for the dates to qualify for these windows and the procedure to follow.
A new version 4.11 of the EDIFACT guide on Discharge Summaries (Temporary Storage Declarations) is published, which includes a new Annex V describing the keys for referencing a DSDT and the conversion between them. The limit of declarable items in a single CUB message is also extended to 999 items.
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New information regarding the deployment window for the transition to the ICS2 system in the maritime, road and rail sectors
ICS2 Release 3 comes into force on 3 June 2024 for all economic operators.
However, the European Commission has allowed operators who request it before June 3, 2024 to benefit from a deployment window for the transition to the ICS2 system, phase 3, which will allow them to gradually incorporate it within a longer period of time.
The deadlines for the deployment window and the procedure for applying for it can be consulted at the following link :
Information Note 16/2024 of May 22 from the Department of Customs and Excise, regarding the deployment window for the transition to the ICS2 system
CBAM Briefing Session organised by the European Commission
The European Commission has organised an online briefing on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, better known by its acronym in English: CBAM.
All those interested in this mechanism may participate.
The link for additional information and registration is as follows:
More information on this subject is available on the electronic site of the Ministry of Ecological Transformation and Demographic Challenge, the national authority competent in relation to the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, through the following link:
A new version of the technical specifications for the system for justifying the Community character of goods using the T2L document, adapted to the Union Customs Code (UCC), has been published. Changes are recorded in the change control section. A new schema has been added that will allow Indirect Registration (CCIEP01INDV1.wsdl, CCIEP01INDV1Ent.xsd)
With this new Indirect Registration, the T2L preCau will be closed on the following date:
- From 12/07/2024 to 14/01/2025 it will be in testing
- URL for pre-form for indirect T2L registration: https://prewww1.aeat.es/wlpl/ADTL-JDIT/CapturaT2LIndirecta
- pre web service url: https://prewww1.agenciatributaria.gob.aeat/wlpl/ADTL-JDIT/ws/pous/CCIEP01V1INDSOAP
- It will be in production from 09/09/2024
- From 01/15/2025, it will no longer be possible to access the T2L preCau indirect registration.
Electronic issuance of A.TR certificates
Following the suspension of Note No. 1 of 31 March 2020 on the submission of proof of preferential origin during the Covid-19 crisis, the Turkish authorities are again issuing A.TR certificates of movement of goods electronically with wet ink signature.
Turkey is requested to carry out a comprehensive regularisation of certificates issued before 1 May 2024 inclusive, without signature and still in transit, in the form of a communication from the Turkish authorities stating that such certificates will be considered as endorsed and signed in wet ink by Turkish customs. Such communication will be distributed as soon as it is received.
On the basis of Information Note No 1, contained in document TAXUD/2109264/20 of 31.03.2020, the Commission recommended that customs authorities of the MS accept certificates of movement of goods for preferential origin purposes issued by electronic means with a digital signature or stamp of the competent authorities, or a copy in paper or electronic format, given the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This flexibility ended on May 1, 2024, and from that moment on, certificates of origin issued electronically by third countries are no longer accepted.
Revision 1.16 of the Export Declaration Web Services Guide for the exchange of information between Operators and Customs is published. This guide contains the messages of the external domain (communication between the Economic Operator and the Tax Agency) of the national component of the Automated Export Declaration System, as well as the adaptations that may be necessary to improve the National Export Systems in line with the Union Customs Code (UCC).
Among other new features, this new version adds that from May 9 a statistical value of zero will not be allowed for invoice amounts greater than zero.
New developments in the Tax on Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases
On February 20, 2024, Regulation ( EU ) 2024/573 of the European Parliament and of the Council of February 7, 2024 on fluorinated greenhouse gases was published. , which modifies Directive (EU) 2019/1937, and repeals Regulation (EU) No. 517/2014. This repeal, which came into force on 11 March 2024, has led to a modification of the objective scope of the tax, which will lead to some improvements in the settlement of the import taxable event.
All information regarding customs formalities for the importation of goods subject to tax is available at the following link:
Tax Agency: Customs formalities for the importation of goods subject to tax
A.TR. Certificates with the mention "European Community" in box 4
Please be advised that new A.TR certificates can be printed with the mention "European Community" in box 4. However, ATR certificates already issued with the old "European Economic Community" indication in box 4 may continue to be used and must be accepted by the customs authorities of the MS of the Union and Turkey until the technical revision of Decision 1/2006 of the Customs Cooperation Committee EC -Turkey of 26 September 2006 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Decision No 1/95 of the EC-Turkey Association Council is adopted.
The European Union and New Zealand have signed a Free Trade Agreement that will come into force on 1 May 2024.
New version 0.8 of the technical specifications for G4 declarations is published. The main new features are the introduction of the declaration item number in the G4Dec web service, a new web service for consulting these declaration item numbers and several request/response messages in other web services. Likewise, the dating option " MRN + Item" of the previous document type N337 of all customs declarations that support it is generalized for all G4s.
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The implementation schedule for the new version of the DIVA system specifications announced on August 1, 2023 (version 2.14) is updated.
- In testing, available.
- In parallel production with the previous version (2.13), available.
- Closing date of previous version, May 21, 2024
Revision 1.12 of the Web Services Transit Guide for the exchange of information between Operators and Customs in the new NCTS5 System (New Computerized Transit System Phase 5) is published. This guide contains the messages of the external domain (communication between the Economic Operator and the Tax Agency) of the national component of the Automated Transit Declaration System (NCTS5), as well as the adaptations that may be necessary to improve the National Transit Systems in line with the Union Customs Code (UCC).
Among other new features, this new version includes an explanation of how the summary will be generated in the case of packages with 0 and 0 kilos of gross mass.
Revision 1.11 of the Web Services Transit Guide for the exchange of information between Operators and Customs in the new NCTS5 System (New Computerized Transit System Phase 5) is published. This guide contains the messages of the external domain (communication between the Economic Operator and the Tax Agency) of the national component of the Automated Transit Declaration System (NCTS5), as well as the adaptations that may be necessary to improve the National Transit Systems in line with the Union Customs Code (UCC).
Among other new features, this new version adds guarantee type 5, to be used exclusively in the event that the amount to be guaranteed is zero euros.
New type of transit guarantee for the amount to be guaranteed “0” euros
As of March 26, transit declarations may be submitted for which, given that the amount to be guaranteed is zero, the type of guarantee selected may be 5: Exemption from the requirement to provide a guarantee when the amount to be guaranteed is zero.
This code can be selected from table TRTIPGA5.
A new version of the technical specifications for the system for justifying the Community character of goods using the T2L document, adapted to the Union Customs Code (UCC), has been published. Changes are recorded in the change control section. The diagrams have been updated and must be downloaded again.
The introduction schedule of this system is remembered:
- Mandatory version from March 1, 2024. Only possible version for T2L management
The modification of the calendar for the entry into force of the import declaration adapted to CAU is hereby communicated. Likewise, the date of entry into production of the notification declaration of registration of the merchandise is explained. Finally, other considerations to take into account.
Information Note 09/2024 of March 13, of the Customs and Excise Department, regarding veterinary controls that replaces NI GA 03/2024
Revision 1.10 of the Web Services Transit Guide for the exchange of information between Operators and Customs in the new NCTS5 System (New Computerized Transit System Phase 5) is published. This guide contains the messages of the external domain (communication between the Economic Operator and the Tax Agency) of the national component of the Automated Transit Declaration System (NCTS5), as well as the adaptations that may be necessary to improve the National Transit Systems in line with the Union Customs Code (UCC).
Please note that the implementation schedule for the system cannot be postponed and is as follows:
- The new NCTS5 system Web Services, detailed in this technical guide, are available in the test environment from December 19, 2022 and in the live environment from October 3, 2023.
- Furthermore, from 03/12/2024, the Web Services of the NCTS5 system will be mandatory, since on that date the admission of EDIFACT messages from the NCTS4 system will be closed (date that cannot be extended).
Information Note 08/2024 of March 5 from the Customs and Excise Department has been published, regarding the implementation of phase 5 of the electronic transit system - NCTS P5 system.
Published the Information Note NI GA 06/2024 of February 28 of the Customs and Excise Department, regarding the implementation of the electronic system for proof of Union merchandise status - POUS System
Information Note NI GA 05/2024 of February 22, on the procedure for signing certificates of circulation of goods EUR 1 and EUR-MED, has been published.
Information Note NI GA 04/2024 of 22 February, regarding the extension of NI GA 08/2013 of 26 March, on the current status of application of the Paneuromed Regional Agreement, has been published.
NI GA 03/2024 of February 21, regarding veterinary controls that modifies the NI GA 13/2023
New certificate of exemption from veterinary control by the Foreign Health Department for the national TARIC measure SNM Sanitary control of imported products
A new certificate 1426 is available from February 20, 2024: EXTERNAL HEALTH INSPECTION. Declaration submitted by the importer, under his/her responsibility, that shipments of products of non-animal origin are not of a commercial nature.
This new certificate must be declared in all cases in box 44 of the SADor the preDUA at the time of registration of the declaration, together with the responsible declaration document, for those statistical positions subject to control SNM-SANIM and which are affected by one of the following referrals:
- 02 506: This is a shipment of products of non-animal origin between individuals intended for personal consumption or use whose intrinsic value is equal to or less than 45 euros, and the maximum quantities established in art. 3 of the Implementing Regulation ( EU ) 2019/1793 or art. 1.2 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1158.
In this case, in box 37.2 of the SAD or pre-SAD, code C08 must be declared.
- 02 507: This is a shipment of products of non-animal origin between companies that are not intended to be marketed and whose intrinsic value is equal to or less than 150 euros and the maximum quantities established in art. 3 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1793 or art. 1.2 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1158.
In this case, code C07 must be declared in box 37.2 of the SAD or pre-SAD.
Revision 1.9 of the Web Services Transit Guide for the exchange of information between Operators and Customs in the new NCTS5 System (New Computerized Transit System Phase 5) is published. This guide contains the messages of the external domain (communication between the Economic Operator and the Tax Agency) of the national component of the Automated Transit Declaration System (NCTS5), as well as the adaptations that may be necessary to improve the National Transit Systems in line with the Union Customs Code (UCC).
Please note that the implementation schedule for the system cannot be postponed and is as follows:
- The new NCTS5 system Web Services, detailed in this technical guide, are available in the test environment from December 19, 2022 and in the live environment from October 3, 2023.
- Furthermore, from 03/12/2024, the Web Services of the NCTS5 system will be mandatory, since on that date the admission of EDIFACT messages from the NCTS4 system will be closed (date that cannot be extended).
New version of the technical specifications of the electronic T2L adapted to the CAU
A new version of the technical specifications for the system for justifying the Community character of goods using the T2L document, adapted to the Union Customs Code (UCC), has been published. Changes are recorded in the change control section. The timetable for the introduction of this system is recalled.
- System currently being tested.
- Version available in the production environment since January 16, 2024. Parallel operation will be maintained with the version of T2L not adapted to the CAU.
- Mandatory version from March 1, 2024. Only possible version for T2L management.
New certificate of exemption from control of biological samples and human cells and tissues
Starting next February 20, 2024, a new certificate 1427 will be available: Declaration submitted by the operator under his/her responsibility that the shipments are excluded from the scope of Royal Decree-Law 9/2014, of July 4, and Royal Decree 65/2006, of January 30.
This new certificate must be declared in all cases in box 44 of the SADor the preDUA at the time of registration of the declaration, together with the responsible declaration document, for those statistical positions subject to control by measures TARIC MBI (Import of human biological samples), MBG (Import of samples of biological material of animal origin) and CYT (Import and export of human cells and tissues) and affected by one of the references 02 500 to 02 504.
NI GA 02/2024 of February 16, regarding the control of biological samples, cells and human tissues that modifies NI GA 05/2022
Publication of the Rules and Conditions of the Merchandise Registration Notification (NIM) declaration in the declarant's records
The new version of the rules and conditions of the Merchandise Registration Notification (NIM) declaration is published in the declarant's records.
See in Headquarters of the AEAT, the document " Rules and Conditions NIM V0.2 "
Service interruption on Saturday, February 10
Due to maintenance operations, the service at the Electronic Headquarters of the Tax Agency will be interrupted next Saturday, February 10 at 10:00 p.m., for a maximum of 2 hours.
Please excuse any inconvenience.
The new version of the Merchandise Registration Notification (NIM) guide is published in the declarant's records. Testing can be done in the PREproduction environment from 01/15/2024. In PROduction it will be on 01/07/2024.
Access to CBAM registration by proxy
A new procedure "Access registration CBAM " has been included in the list of procedures enabled for online completion.
In this way, individualized authorization for access to the CBAM Registry may be granted by selecting this procedure from the list of those authorized to be carried out online that are published in the Electronic Office to the following actors:
- An Employee on behalf of an Economic Operator
- An Employee on behalf of a Customs Representative
- A Customs Representative on behalf of an Economic Operator
- An Employee on behalf of an Economic Operator, with a mandate from a Customs Representative
NI GA 01/2024 of January 30, replacing NI GA 11/2023 of July 17 regarding the exemption from anti-dumping duties applicable to the import of essential bicycle parts originating in China provided for in Regulation (EEC) No. 88/97 of the European Commission, replaced by NI 05/2025
Revision 1.8 of the Web Services Transit Guide for the exchange of information between Operators and Customs in the new NCTS5 System (New Computerized Transit System Phase 5) is published. This guide contains the messages of the external domain (communication between the Economic Operator and the Tax Agency) of the national component of the Automated Transit Declaration System (NCTS5), as well as the adaptations that may be necessary to improve the National Transit Systems in line with the Union Customs Code (UCC).
Please note that the implementation schedule for the system cannot be postponed and is as follows:
- The Web Services of the new NCTS5 system, detailed in this technical guide, are available in the test environment from December 19, 2022 and in the live environment from October 3, 2023.
- Furthermore, it is expected that from 03/12/2024 the Web Services of the NCTS5 system will be mandatory, since on that date the admission of EDIFACT messages from the NCTS4 system will be closed (non-extendable).
POUS system operators webinar
H1- Import declaration. Published technical guides: Additional information, rules and conditions and calendar
- Technical documentation that has been modified:
- Technical import guide adapted to CAU V3.3
- CAU Import Consultation Service Technical Guide V2.3
- Additional information on importing CAU V3.3
- Rules and conditions adjusted to EUCDM and Spanish Customs V3.3
The variations suffered are detailed in the documentation itself.
They can also be viewed at Web Services (agenciatributaria.gob.es)
- Calendar:
The calendar has no variation. It can be consulted in the news published on 06/21/2023.
Webinar doubts operators Phase 5 NCTS system
Access and registration to the CBAM platform must always be done by selecting the CUSTOMS option, never Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
It can be carried out by both the importer choosing the economic operator option, and the customs representative who has submitted import declarations subject to CBAM as an indirect representative. And in this way each one, importer or customs representative, will choose the appropriate option.
At the moment it is not possible to access as a proxy of the above, although we are working with MITERD , the competent authority in the matter, to find a possible solution.
In order to clarify how to access the CBAM Registry, the ppt has been updated and can be found available in the CBAM section .
The NCTS P5 technical guide has been updated, among other aspects, to indicate that the total amount to be covered by the guarantee must be calculated by the operator, indicating the amount corresponding to each guarantee used. The amount calculated for the inclusion of the goods in the transit procedure must cover the amount of import duties and other charges accrued by the import. To do this, you must take into consideration the import duties, VAT and Special Taxes, if applicable, that correspond to the date on which the declaration is made. The distribution of the amount between the guarantees will be made by the operator at its discretion.
The presentation made at the November 2023 seminar for operators has also been updated in the same way.
A new version of the technical specifications for the system for justifying the Community character of goods using the T2L document, adapted to the Union Customs Code (UCC), has been published. Changes are recorded in the change control section. The introduction schedule of this system is remembered:
- System currently in testing
- Version available in the production environment since January 16, 2024. Parallel operation will be maintained with the version of T2L not adapted to CAU .
- Mandatory version from March 1, 2024. Only possible version for T2L management
Putting into production the electronic system for proving the customs status of Union goods adapted to the UCC - POUS
The first phase of the new electronic system for proof of customs status of Union goods (POUS system) will be available in the production environment on 16 January, as indicated in the “Guide to electronic T2L documents adapted to the UCC”.
This phase aims at developing the functionalities required for issuing electronic proof of customs status of Union goods using T2L/F data.
It is important to note that from the aforementioned date, the POUS system will operate in parallel with the current electronic national T2L system, and either of the two systems can be used to request the issuance and submission of proof of status until March 1, 2024, the closing date of the electronic national T2L system.
Detailed information on the new POUS system can be found in the Technical Guide published for this purpose, available at the following link:
With the entry into operation of the G4 Declaration of temporary storage, it is necessary to take into account several points in the declaration of low-value shipments (H7) in box PreviousDocument .
New revision 1.7 of the NCTS5 Transit Web Services Technical Guide has been published
Revision 1.7 of the Web Services Transit Guide for the exchange of information between Operators and Customs in the new NCTS5 System (New Computerized Transit System Phase 5) is published. This guide contains the messages of the external domain (communication between the Economic Operator and the Tax Agency) of the national component of the Automated Transit Declaration System (NCTS5), as well as the adaptations that may be necessary to improve the National Transit Systems in line with the Union Customs Code (UCC).
Please note that the implementation schedule for the system cannot be postponed and is as follows:
The new NCTS5 system Web Services, detailed in this technical guide, are available in the test environment from December 19, 2022 and in the live environment from October 3, 2023.
Furthermore, it is expected that from 03/12/2024 the Web Services of the NCTS5 system will be mandatory, since on that date the admission of EDIFACT messages from the NCTS4 system will be closed (non-extendable).