Cl@ve APP on Android
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The APP Cl@ve also integrates the management of services related to Cl@ve . In the question mark icon of each option you can find a description of each of them.
If the device is not activated, it offers options for registering at Cl@ve and for activating the device.
If it is a device that is already active, the option will be to deactivate the device.
The menu "My data in Cl@ve " groups these services:
Check my data in Cl@ve shows the DNI or NIE registered in the Cl@ve system (hiding some digits for security with asterisks), the telephone number associated with the registration with the option to modify it (only the last three numbers are shown for security), the associated email address, with the option to modify it, and the possibility of cancelling the service if you consider that the data is not correct, because it has been modified without your consent or to avoid possible access until you can configure the correct data.
Modify the phone number associated with Cl@ve : This change is allowed if you have an electronic certificate installed in the APP, or with DNIe if the device has NFC , or by video call for which it will be necessary to have the Zoom APP installed on the device. However, the video call phone number modification service is temporarily unavailable.
Modify the email associated with Cl@ve : In this case, the following contrast data will be requested: validity or issue date of DNI or support number in case of NIE .
The security factor that the user has established for the device is then requested and the form to modify the email is accessed.
Get a higher level of security in Cl@ve : To upload the record in Cl@ve to the high level required by some organizations, an electronic certificate or DNIe is also needed with a mobile phone with NFC technology.
Give up Cl@ve : the unlocking factor of your mobile device (fingerprint, pattern, PIN, etc.) will be required.
Note: After resignation, you will only be able to register again in person or with a certificate / electronic DNI .
The access " My requests for Cl@ve Mobile " allows you to consult the authentication requests with Cl@ve Mobile that you have made, showing the date, time, requesting organization, type of request (with QR code, without QR code or with SMS ) and whether it has been confirmed. You must first unlock the device (pin, pattern, fingerprint, facial recognition, etc.)
You can set filters based on code status and type, requesting body, and from/to dates of the request. In the stripes icon, you can set the order in which the requests are displayed.
The menu " Cl@ve Permanent " includes the following procedures related to " Cl@ve Permanent":
Regenerate activation code for Cl@ve Permanent . Enter the verification data requested based on the document (date of DNI or support number of NIE ), confirm the authentication factor of the device and you will access the activation code regeneration service for Cl@ve Permanente.
User activation of Cl@ve Permanent . Link to this service on the Social Security website from the default browser on your device.
Password management for Cl@ve Permanent. Allows you to change your password, recover a forgotten password or delete the Cl@ve Permanent user.
The option " Revoke certificate of Cl@ve Signature " revokes the centralized electronic certificate associated with Cl@ve Signature.