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All procedures
Taxes, fees and property benefits
Corporation Tax
Form 200. IS. Corporation Tax and Non-Resident Income Tax Deposit or refund documents. (Forms 200 and 206)
Form 202. IS. Corporation Tax and Income Tax for Non-Residents (permanent establishments and entities in the income allocation system constituted abroad with presence on Spanish territory). Payment by instalments
Form 217. SOCIMI special tax
Form 220. IS. Regime of fiscal consolidation. Payment or refund document.
Form 221. Public charges for converting deferred tax assets into credit payable to the Tax Agency.
Form 222. IS. Regime of fiscal consolidation. Instalments.
Model 237. Special tax on undistributed profits of SOCIMIs (Real estate investment trusts).
IS. Return. Reimbursement procedure.
IS. Return. Reimbursement procedure. Groups.
IS. Data verification / Limited verification.
IS. Data verification / Limited verification. Groups.
IS. Return. Reimbursement procedure.
Make allegations and/or provide documents or proof
Respond to requirements, draw up claims and/or provide documents or receipts
Procedures related to the presentation of model 200
Procedure file