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Taxes, fees and property benefits
Instalment payments
Form 111. Withholdings and payment on account. Work income and income from economic activities, prizes and certain capital gains and income allocations. Self-assessment.
Form 115. Withholdings and payment on account. Income or yields from the leasing or sub-letting of urban buildings.
Form 117. Withholdings and payments on account of Personal Income Tax, Corporation Tax and Non-residents Income Tax. Income from the transfer or reimbursement of shares or holdings in Unit Trust Institutions and from the transfer of subscription rights.
Form 123. Withholdings and payments on account of Personal Income Tax, Corporation Tax and Non-residents Income Tax (permanent establishments). Certain earnings from liquid capital or certain income.
Form 124. Withholdings and payment on account. Income and yields from liquid capital derived from the transfer, depreciation, reimbursement, swapping or conversion of any type of asset representative of the raising and use of borrowed capital.
Form 126. Withholdings and payment on account. Income from liquid capital is obtained from the consideration derived from accounts held at all types of financial institutions.
Form 128. Withholdings and payment on account. Income and earnings from liquid capital from capitalisation transactions and life or invalidity insurance contracts.
Form 136. Personal Income Tax and Non-resident Income Tax. Special tax for certain gambling and lottery winnings. Self-assessment.
Form 230. Personal Income Tax and Non-Resident Income Tax: Special tax withholdings and on-account deposits for certain gambling and lottery winnings; Corporation tax: Withholdings and payments on account of prizes from certain lotteries and bets. Self-assessment
Model 410. Interim payment of the Tax on Bank Deposits
Verification of data / Limited verification - Advanced tax payment
Verification of data / Limited verification - Withholdings and advanced tax payment
Data verification / Limited verification - IRPF withholdings (Form 190).
Data verification / Restricted checking of absolute discrepancies in form 190.
Data verification / Restricted checking of absolute discrepancies in form 180.
Verification of data / Limited verification - Income tax withholdings (Form 111).
Verification of data / Limited verification - Instalments of personal income tax - objective estimate
Verification of data / Limited verification - Instalments I. Companies
Data verification / Limited verification. Withholdings and payment on account IRNR. Incomes obtained without the mediation of a permanent establishment.
Data verification / Restricted checking of absolute discrepancies in form 180.
Make allegations and/or provide documents or proof
Fulfilling requirements or submitting documentation related to a notification received from the AEAT
Procedure file