Form 036
Skip information indexObtaining a new NIF accreditation card
If you wish to obtain a duplicate of the NIF , you can request it directly from procedure "Obtaining a new accreditation card for the NIF " , which you will find in the list of procedures for form 036.
You can access by identifying yourself with Cl@ve , electronic certificate or DNIe . If you have questions about how to obtain an electronic certificate or how to register in the Cl@ve system, consult the information available in the related content.
This specific procedure does not allow Social Collaboration, but if the presenter has a collaborator certificate, he/she may request the new accreditation card for NIF by checking the corresponding box in the reason for submission in form 036.
The initial window will display the identifying data associated with the owner if access is made on their own behalf or the represented person if access is made on behalf of third parties. Check that they are correct and press "Generate card NIF " .
Next, you will obtain the receipt with the identification data of both the holder and the presenter, the date and time of the operation, the secure verification code and the direct link to the PDF with the card from the option "View receipt" .
If you press "View receipt" , you will obtain a document in PDF that you can save and print, with the communication issued and the identification card itself at the bottom.