Form 036
Skip information indexRequest for definitive NIF
The "Application for definitive NIF " is made by submitting form 036, from "Form 036. Completion and electronic submission".
You can access by identifying yourself with Cl@ve , certificate or DNI electronic. If you have questions about how to obtain an electronic certificate or how to register in the Cl@ve system, consult the information available in the related content.
If the declarant does not have an electronic certificate, it is necessary that the person making the submission be authorized to submit declarations on behalf of third parties, either by being registered as a collaborator or by being authorized to carry out this procedure.
Once the data has been completed on the form, the declaration will be generated in PDF , which you can print to present on paper along with the necessary documentation.
To generate the declaration it is necessary to have a PDF document viewer installed.
When completing the form you must use the characters included in the following list:
White | 32 | 20 | |
& | Ampersand | 38 | 26 |
Ç | Comilla | 39 | 27 |
( | Stop. Dr. | 40 | 28 |
) | Stop. Left. | 41 | 29 |
, | Eat | 44 | 2 C |
- | Script | 45 | 2D |
. | Spot | 46 | 2E |
/ | Bar | 47 | 2F |
0-9 | Numbers | 48-57 | 30-39 |
: | Two points | 58 | 3A |
; | Semicolon | 59 | 3B |
A-Z | Letters | 65-90 | 41-5A |
_ | Underscore | 95 | 5F |
Ç | Cedilla | 199 | C7 |
" | Double quote |
The @ character can also be used in the email field.
If you already have NIF (provisional or definitive) and need to obtain a duplicate, see the help "Obtaining a new accreditation card or duplicate of NIF ".