Forms 038 to 180
Skip information indexForm 179. Enquiry
To consult the submitted declarations of model 179 you must identify yourself using an electronic signature (certificate or electronic DNI ) or using Cl@ve (only natural persons).
For the 2024 financial year, this model is not valid.
You can filter the query by several criteria, for example the declared record ID or the identification type. Press the "Search" button. The table of records that match the entered search criteria will be loaded. To access the details of each record, click on the link for the record ID declared in the first column.
In the record details, at the top, the actions you can perform are shown, "Cancel" and "Modify".
Review the data and if any needs to be corrected, click "Modify". You can modify property and transaction data, whether it be additions, modifications or deletions, thereby reactivating the registration. After making changes, click "Validate".
In the second step, "Sign and Send Request" it is indicated whether the validation is correct.
You will then be asked to confirm shipping. Check "I agree" and press "Sign and Send" again. If processed successfully, you get the corresponding CSV associated with the presentation.
To unsubscribe, use the "Cancel" option.
Verify the information and click "Confirm".
In the second step, you are notified that the operation will be completely cancelled. Click "Sign & Submit."
Confirmation of shipment is then requested. Check "I agree" and press "Sign and Send" again. If processed successfully, you get the corresponding CSV associated with the override.
In the link at the top "List of movements", within the record details of each declared, you will find the table with all the movements that that record has had classified by the date and time of the movement. By clicking on the date of each movement you will access the information about it.